Eugene Riggs's Articles en-us Prepaid Phone Card to Call from USA: Your answer to cheaper phone bills Since our families and businesses have grown beyond our shores, keeping in touch with them remains very important. It is true that emails and instant messages and computer voice chats are free and have therefore become the number one choice of communicat... 24th March 2010 The Best Microdermabrasion Kit is as inexpensive as $75 You have had it with acne and unsightly skin imperfections and you have heard about this promising skin treatment called Microdermabrasion. Professional Microdermabrasion treatments fetch from $1,500 to $4,000 depending on the condition. But don't fret, t... 15th March 2010 Feel Better, Look Great With Healthy Weight Loss Are you tired of running out of breath, just because you walked up a flight of stairs? If you are out of shape and overweight, you could be having a difficult time doing things that most people take for granted. It is time for you find out about healthy w... 10th March 2010