Michael Spencer's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Advocate for Change Welcome to my World of Sharing Hi, My name is Mike Spencer and I am an "Advocate for Change" As an Independent Business Owner with Pledging for Change's amazing "Share Program" I am raising funds for charities,non-profit organizations and sustainabl... http://www.articleheaven.net/advocate-for-change-1366909.html 28th January 2010 Environmentally Friendly Printing - A Few Useful Things to Know Alcohol-free or low-alcohol printing Lithographic printing that uses reduced amounts or no isopropyl alcohol (IPA), thereby reducing VOC emissions. Dampening (or fountain) solution This is used to keep the non-image areas of the plate moist, preventi... http://www.articleheaven.net/environmentally-friendly-printing--a-few-useful-things-to-know-1366816.html 28th January 2010 Help Needed for Practical Applications of Wind energy Mike McNern has ran into many brick walls while trying to institute a simple program to stimulate the alternative energy industry in Colorado and the neighboring area. He would appreciate an opportunity to promote electrical generation with wind, solar, a... http://www.articleheaven.net/help-needed-for-practical-applications-of-wind-energy-1366752.html 27th January 2010 Adanced Power & Energy Transportation I have recently been in contact with Andrew Huang who is CEO at APES (HK) Ltd. They have set up a new project called APET. APET stands for ADVANCED POWER AND ENERGY TRANSPORTATION, & the company are developing an electric car that could have a great i... http://www.articleheaven.net/adanced-power--energy-transportation-1366692.html 27th January 2010