D.C. Fontaine's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Save Money By Canning Food At Home In an effort to reduce grocery expenses, many families are choosing to save money by canning food at home. An uncertain economy coupled with an increased cost of living has forced many people to reconsider their spending habits and to come up with a plan ... http://www.articleheaven.net/save-money-by-canning-food-at-home-1329561.html 07th January 2010 How Home Wind Generators Save Money And Energy With rising prices, more people are looking to home wind generators as a means of lowering energy costs. Wind power is the fastest growing energy source in the world, being recognized as a clean, renewable, and cost effective alternative to fossil fuels. ... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-home-wind-generators-save-money-and-energy-1312803.html 23rd December 2009