Patricia's Articles en-us Biolustre Hair Repair can Fix Your Damaged Hair Biolustre is one of the best hair repair method of maintaining your hair healthy and shiny by protecting it from damage, or repairing it if damage has occurred. Growing healthy hair is not an easy task. Biolustre is one among the most popular products av... 08th January 2010 Bad Haircut? Hair Extensions is the Solution A bad haircut is possible happen to everyone at any one time or another. At that time it may seem like a hell. Though all hair is not lost, it is bitter to face the situation. Fortunately we are the human beings and naturally the hair grows back. So the b... 05th January 2010 Non Surgical Hair Replacement for Women Growing in Popularity Non-surgical hair replacement is acquiring a full head of hair without undergoing surgery. The procedure is attaching a thin transparent layer of polyurethane to the scalp, forming a tight membrane which acts as a second layer of skin. The Process provide... 29th December 2009