crenergy's Articles en-us Tips and Advice for Saving Energy at Work Saving energy is an area that many people are concerned about, the Government particularly so which is why they have pledged to cut carbon emissions by up to 50% by 2020. With this in mind it is useful to know what practical steps you can do whilst in the... 06th January 2010 HIPs To Tackle Climate Change HIPs (Home Information Packs) have been in existence now for over 18 months and from 6 April 2009 all properties are being sold need to have one by law. All Home Information Packs must contain an Energy Performance Certificate or EPC which is created us... 06th January 2010 Display Energy Certificates (DECs) Display Energy Certificates are certificates which all buildings with areas over of 1000 m² which are in use must have, by law. These certificates show how much actual energy usage a building requires to run successfully, which is known as the Operationa... 06th January 2010