Alonzo Green's Articles en-us Guide To Turning Rewarding Excellence Into An Art Form I worked, during my years as an associate professor of English, in the community college's learning center. There, we did teaching in all disciplines, held auxiliary and other classes, performed computer-assisted instruction, and catered to students of ge... 02nd September 2010 The Photographic Prints To Films Photography has come a long way since the invention of the Daguerréotypes and the Calotypes. Photographic prints are as important to photography as is the camera. You can have the camera, the technology but if you can't take a photographic print, you can'... 02nd September 2010 How You Can Fix Imperfect Photos digital, photo, print, service, cheap, reviews, printing, processing Free tools are now available in the website to fix up imperfect photos, i.e. photos with incorrect colour balance, photos having red eyes, photos with blemishes and wrinkles, etc. Bef... 04th August 2010 Turning Your Scrapbook Into A Fun Activity For All Your Friends And Family A great way to preserve special memories of family and friends, of special places visited, as well as milestones such as graduation, weddings and the birth of a baby is with a photo scrapbook. If you have boxes and boxes of old photographs and mementos, a... 04th August 2010