Bruno Korschek's Articles en-us And The Wheels On The Obama Care Bus Never Go Round and Round..They Have Already Fallen Off Since the legislation known as Obama Care was passed back in the spring, it seems like a good time to revisit the legislation and see what has happened in the health care industry since then. Unfortunately, for both the President and millions of Americans... 23rd November 2010 Ain't No Sunshine (And Solar Power) When The Political Class Is Involved Singer Bill Withers once sang: "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone." Great song and the inspiration, along with a recent Associated Press analysis, for this article, indicating that there is no sunshine and no solar power when the Federal governm... 07th September 2010 the twilight Zone World Of Joe Biden The Vice President has always been good for a quote, or in many cases, a misquote, when it comes to explaining the reality of our world. However, many times you wonder if he and the rest of us are living in the same world and reality or we are stuck in so... 01st September 2010 Economic Amateur Hour In Washington, D.C. A new round of bad economic news has been spewing forth this week, ranging from the poor housing market to the stagnant stock market to rising first time unemployment claims. After two years of very uneven and unpredictable economic performance, it makes ... 31st August 2010 Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama On Freedom - Saying The Right Words But Acting The Wrong Way Hillary Clinton recently gave a speech on freedom during her current tour through Europe. She was lamenting the fact that in many countries, the opportunity to live in a free society was being shut down by oppressive governments such as Zimbabwe, the Cong... 08th July 2010 Why Earmarks Never Benefit Average Taxpayers This article attmpets to prove the folloiwng hypothesis: "Congressional earmarks never benefit the average taxpayer and provide advantage only to incumbent politicians." Federal budget earmarks are specific financial grants of taxpayer money to bus... 27th April 2010 A New Approach To Fix What Ails America If asked to list the most important longstanding, unsolved issues that most plague America, I would bet that the failed war on drugs, failing public schools, leaking borders/no strategic immigration strategy, no national energy strategy, and rising health... 12th April 2010 No Longer The Home Of The Brave Sometimes things in life change so slowly that you do not realize how things have actually changed significantly until you sit back and reflect on where you are relative to where you were. The other day, while sitting at a spring training baseball game, I... 15th March 2010