cosmeticsite22's Articles en-us The Importance of Cosmetics Today Cosmetics are used to enhance your appearance. Makeup has been around for many centuries. The first known people who used cosmetics to enhance their beauty were the Egyptians. Makeup those days was just simple eye coloring or some material for the body. N... 11th December 2009 What is Your Natural Skin Tone It is important to establish what your natural skin tone is when choosing concealer, foundation and powder as well as makeup colors. If you choose the wrong shades for your skin tone, you will find your skin looking dull and lifeless. Follow a few simple ... 11th December 2009 Methods to Enhance Beauty For women, wearing makeup has become as normal as wearing clothes. Many women love to stand out from the crowd. The good news is that there are many types of beauty treatments which are available at beauty salons for those who want to improve their looks.... 11th December 2009 Makeup Tips I'm sure most women have applied facial makeup to enhance their looks at sometime or other in their life. Most of us use it to highlight our good features and of course to try and hide the not so good features. Gone are the days when only women apply make... 11th December 2009 Beauty and Fragrance to fit your personality Many of us must have heard the phrase, "Beauty is only skin deep", but is it really only skin deep? Everyday you may be applying make up on your face not realizing that it blocks your skin pores. To bring out the real beauty of your facial skin, you must ... 11th December 2009