freesms's Articles en-us This New Year Extend Your Communication Chain For Free The electronic communications industry is the backbone of today's economy. Without it, there is no Information Society. The telecom industry generates maximum profit in our economy. Telecom in India has a market potentiality and a fast growing sector. Eve... 23rd December 2009 Enjoy Freedom Of Communication With Happy New SMS Service With technologies being developed the world has become a small place to live in. More and more people are using mobile phones and telephones to stay in contact with their family and friends. The latest to join the list of technologies is New Year SMS. You... 22nd December 2009 Communicate Freely With Happy New Year Service SMS was the triumph of the consumer every generation needs a technology that it can adopt as its own to communicate with and the text generation took up SMS. Ironically, it was because SMS was so very difficult to use that the young people said that they ... 15th December 2009 Free sms:-Your easy communication The world is a small place and it's becoming even smaller with the latest technologies being invented. The latest to join the list of technologies is New Year SMS. You can enjoy non stop conversation with your near and dear ones with free sms service. Fre... 09th December 2009 Happy New Year SMS 2010 is quick and easy way of communication. Come 2010 and your phone will be flooded with all the New Year SMSs. New Year is a time when you can get close to your near and dear ones. A simple SMS speaks a thousand words. It is time to forget all your resentment and pave a way for happiness and cont... 07th December 2009