Neelima Reddy's Articles en-us 7 Hairstyles for the New Year’s Eve Party The New Year is right around the corner and there is a mad rush to get everything right. The perfect dress, perfect accessories and the perfect looks. The right hairstyle will complete the charm. So what is it going to be this New Year Eve? 1. Diva Pul... 10th February 2010 What Are The Types Of Child Abuse And How To Prevent It? Child abuse is doing something or failing to do something that result in harm or injury to a child.An abuser is who fails to nurture the child, physically injures the child, or relates sexually to the child.There are different types of child abuse. Among ... 08th January 2010 Renewable Energy Sources For Dummies….Let Us Break It Down For You It seems like every time I turn on the news or open the morning paper there is something about ‘renewable energy sources'. I felt like I had been living under a rock because I wasn't sure at all of what this was or how it would affect me. So, like many ... 08th January 2010 7 Tips To Control Television Viewing In Children! Many kids spend their time in front of television before they enter school. According to the American academy of pediatrics (AAP), children aged above two years should watch not more than one to two hours daily. If your kid is spending much time in ... 05th January 2010 8 Tips To Prepare Your Child For The First Day Of The School! After you have decided to send your child to school, you have to prepare your child for the first day of the school. The first day of the school can be both exciting as well as stressful for both children and parents. Whether your child is starting ... 05th January 2010 Extraordinary New Green Energy Innovations Americans want clean energy, that's been confirmed by many polls conducted to ascertain whether people support green, renewable energy. And though the economy has to some extent slowed progress in the world of renewable energy, there are still many ama... 04th January 2010 11 Planting Tips For Growing Vegetables! Are you interested in growing vegetables in your garden? Growing vegetables in the vegetable garden is much easier than you imagine. To grow vegetables, you do not need a large site. You can grow in containers without any need for a piece of land. ... 11th December 2009 Bono, Leo, And Pam….8 Celebs And Their Causes Are you having a difficult time remembering if Leo's cause is the environment or is he a vegan? And can you remember if Sean Penn is against the war or was it just George Bush that Penn was vehemently opposed to? Here is our guide to remembering what caus... 11th December 2009 Top 10 Natural, Eco-Friendly and Anti-Pollutant Houseplants - Get rid of indoor pollution in a natural way You must have spent practically thousands of dollars to buy the latest vacuum cleaner and the latest floor cleaners that help you keep your house clean. However, there comes a time when these machines f... 11th December 2009 What Is Going On With The Edward Cullen And Twilight Phenomenon? Chances are you have either read the Twilight series, you have the Twilight series memorized or you surely know someone close to you who has. Many of you haven't read the series because you're usually in front of a craze like this and are ashamed to ad... 11th December 2009 The Top 10 Best Beauty products Of All Time When the little black dress was first debuted by designer Coco Chanel way back in the 1920’s, it became an instant classic which ruled the runway up until now. It’s one of those essential items that you just must have in your closet; otherwise... 11th December 2009 Top 10 Reasons To Buy Organic Products For Your Home ——-Embark on an organic journey towards healthy living As a consequence of industrial revolution dated long back and still going on, human life has been constantly dependent on several artificial products. Nature almost took a back seat. However, o... 11th December 2009 10 Things Why No One Ever Tells You How Tough It Is To Be A Parent! Parenting is a tough job and raising children is challenging. There is no such University where you can get a degree for this job. No one tells you how tough it is to become a parent coping with stress of parenting child. You should learn through tri... 11th December 2009 What Will We Remember About Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson, well where do you start, one thing is sure I am not the only person to have written about him over the last few days. On the announcement of his death people rushed, not to his Neverland Ranch, or some other commemorative spot to show ... 11th December 2009 Top 12 Runway Model Mishaps 1. Milana Bogolepova: Tough life in Dior shoes. Since elegant is seldom comfortable a "ballet" movement balancing the arms didn't help her much while doing acrobatic tightrope walking on a rather large runway for 2008 Christian Dior cruise collection. ... 11th December 2009