Jonathan Medows, CPA's Articles en-us Some ways to save on Income Tax When it is time to do your taxes in New York you may do your own taxes or you may get the help of a New York CPA or an accountant in NY to do your tax preparation. Even the most qualified people can make a mistake so the more you know about tax time the b... 21st December 2009 Top Income Tax Preparation Errors During income tax season people all around are scurrying to their tax office to have their taxes prepared in hopes of receiving some money back as this time of year is so busy mistakes tend to happen frequently. Some mistakes go unnoticed and do not make ... 21st December 2009 Learn Tips to Increase Your Tax Refund When you get ready to prepare your taxes or if you hire a NY certified public accountant to do it for you then you may sit there thinking about all the ways you could have saved your money this past year and how you should have done some things different ... 21st December 2009 More about Income Tax If you work then you pay taxes. That is the way it has been and always will be. Not everyone is happy with the fact that the government does collect his share before you get yours but there is no other way. The advantage of the government dipping into you... 21st December 2009 Know More about Alternative Minimum Tax If you are liable for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) bracket this year you may not understand how you got there to begin with. Taxes can be confusing so the more you understand it the better the outcome. If you are living in the New York and lookin... 21st December 2009 Understanding More About Tax Audited Financial Statements If you are in New York or for that matter in any state, when you receive a notice from the IRS that you are going to be audited you need to get all your tax audited financial statements ready for the meeting. Maybe you are not well versed in the intricaci... 14th December 2009 Will E-File Income Tax Submission for 2010 help? The IRS is always working to help improve the way taxes are filed and submitted. More and more people are choosing E-file to submit their taxes to the IRS. After an overwhelming response to E-filing in 2008 the IRS decided to improve this method of filing... 09th December 2009 Know more about Income Tax If you are trying to prepare for income tax season in New York, but you don't really understand anything about income tax, then it is important for you to learn as much as you can about income tax. The more you know about it the better you will be prepare... 09th December 2009 Does the Online Income Tax Accounting Software Really Help? During tax season there are several different ways to prepare your taxes. If you are living in Manhattan or New York, you may hire an accountant or CPA in New York, you may try to do them yourself by obtaining the right forms or going online to file, or y... 09th December 2009 Best CPA tips about first time home buyer tax credit If you are a first time home buyer how can you benefit from this on your tax returns? As a CPA in New York, I can just tell you that whether you plan to build your home or you are ready to move into your home you will want to get all the benefits of being... 09th December 2009 Why Get an Accountant or CPA NY For Tax Preparation? If you live in NYC you should get an accountant or CPA for tax preparation Manhattan. Whether you run your own business or you are preparing your taxes for your personal income you want someone who is trained to handle the load. You should always prepare ... 09th December 2009 Top Reasons how a CPA in New York can help tax preparation There are so many people in New York who try to do their own taxes and as long as you don't itemize then it is somewhat easy to do. If however you do get the opportunity to itemize or if you have several complications that may make it hard to do your taxe... 09th December 2009 Tips by CPA in Manhattan for Best Tax Preparation If you are searching for the best Manhattan tax preparation advice it is better when it comes from a CPA. Tax preparation usually occurs from January and ends in April each year but if you take some time to prepare for tax season each year then you will b... 09th December 2009 How can Professional NY CPA Tax Preparation Service Help? If you are getting ready for Manhattan tax season you may be able to get a jump start on your taxes by keeping the best records possible and if you don't then give yourself a few weeks to go through all your records to find out what you can use in your ta... 09th December 2009 NY CPA Tips: Common Tax Preparation Mistakes to Avoid Manhattan Tax preparation can be a good time but it can also be a very stressful time and during that stressful time you may forget a lot of things that you needed to keep up with and you may make a few mistakes that can cost you money. Here are some of t... 09th December 2009 Resolve IRA tax debt with a NY CPA Do you fear tax time? Most people who live in NY and all around do because they would rather get back then to be required to give. Going to a CPA can be scary if you are not prepared. Here are some helpful tips and hints to help you resolve IRA tax debt w... 02nd December 2009 How to get the Best Tax Incentives by hiring a CPA or Tax Advisor If you are preparing for your appointment with your CPA or tax advisor you will want to make sure that you get everything recorded and prepared before you get there. You can get the most out of your tax preparation and receive the best tax incentives by h... 02nd December 2009 How can NYC CPA Help You Save Tax? As the year comes to an end you may be scurrying around trying to find all your receipts throughout the year. If you run your own business it's important to keep accurate records throughout the year so you can be more prepared during tax season. It's no... 02nd December 2009 CPA Tax Tips on Getting Out of Debt Tax debt is basically the taxes that need to be paid or is due to be paid to the IRS and can be either Federal, local or state taxes. These outstanding taxes need to be cleared and you need to also pay off additional interest that has accumulated over the... 02nd December 2009 Tips by Manhattan CPA to Save Tax Tax filing and preparation is not an easy business, but it needs profession services of a tax accountant or a CPA. From financial planning to money management tips and money issues, it is essential to plan your income tax filing in advance. So the end of ... 02nd December 2009 Why Should Self-Employed Individuals Choose a CPA for Their Accounting and Tax Needs? When it comes to starting your own business or joining the ranks of the self-employed, accounting is one of the most critical aspects operating your business. It's real easy, when you are first starting out, to get wrapped up in choosing a business name ... 02nd December 2009 The Tax Benefits of Choosing a Good Manhattan CPA Most business owners in New York City do not understand the significant differences between CPA's and other accounting professionals or bookkeepers. Stringent education and licensing requirements are the key differences where credentials and qualificatio... 01st December 2009 How to Choose a CPA in Manhattan What distinguishes a Manhattan CPA from other accounting professionals is the lengthier education process that they endure and the stricter licensing regulations that are required. However, the key benefit to choosing a CPA for your accounting and tax ne... 01st December 2009 Parsonage and Clergy Taxes Working for religious institutions is a service to God but to protect the interests of the ministers and rabbi, it is good to have financial information provided by the state. Most clergy including cantors, rabbi, priests and religious officers workin... 01st December 2009