Chris Cole's Articles en-us The Fight Against Water Pollution The issue of water pollution has slowly become a very serious threat to mankind. Everyday, more and more pollutants contaminate our waters, and that leads to a variation of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera and E.coli infection. To combat th... 23rd December 2009 Thinking Forward With Storm Water Management Land development is a fast becoming a lucrative industry. All around the world natural soil is being transformed into concrete roads, shopping malls, or high-rise buildings. Because of this rapid change in environment, the prevalence of impervious surface... 23rd December 2009 Controlling Excess Rainwater with Stormwater BMP Do you ever wonder where all that water goes when it rains? When it rains, especially when there's a hurricane, where does all that water go, and how do we get clean water out of it? The answers lie in the water management system. When rain falls to the ... 23rd December 2009 Cleaning Up Your Water Supply The total land area of the United States of America is close to a staggering 1.9 billion acres. With rain falling on the vast majority of that total land mass annually and on a consistent basis, along with the ill effects of everyday pollution, the need t... 23rd December 2009 Overview of Storm Water Systems You might be curious of how rain water is drained and where it eventually goes. After all, a typical 30-minute rain can produce up to a ton of water at a time. How come we never end up swimming in water for most rains? You might be surprised to realize... 25th November 2009