Ray T. Lewis's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com How to Grill Chicken Grilled chicken is a nice meal that not only tastes good, but is good for you. Ingredients: Cut up whole chicken or skinless boneless chicken breasts 2 Tablespoons lemon pepper 2 Tablespoons garlic salt Olive oil Equipment: Barbeque brush Barb... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-grill-chicken-1343012.html 12th January 2010 Mens Cologne Recommendations Men's Colognes Recommendations It wasn't too many decades ago that when a man dressed for a special date, he fussed a bit with his clothes, combed his hair and splashed some Aqua Velva on his neck and shirt collar. Just like his dad and uncles, he want... http://www.articleheaven.net/mens-cologne-recommendations-1340577.html 11th January 2010 Top Mens Colognes Top Men's Colognes Stimulate the Senses It is something that all women do--when describing a man they comment on how they smell. If the man smells great, they go straight up about that fact. If the man smells bad, they go straight up about that fact as... http://www.articleheaven.net/top-mens-colognes-1326891.html 06th January 2010 Kids Card Games Before you go dealing your seven year old in to your late-night Texas Hold 'em tourney, consider a more age appropriate game. There are hundreds of kids card games on the market, and even more kids card game possibilities using cards you already own. C... http://www.articleheaven.net/kids-card-games-1311945.html 23rd December 2009 Zombies! The Board Game Who doesn't love a great zombie flick? Often combining gleeful gore with biting satire and social commentary, the zombie movie adventure is always an excellent way to escape the doldrums of everyday life. Survival horror remains one of the most popular fi... http://www.articleheaven.net/zombies-the-board-game-1307817.html 21st December 2009 Beta Ray Bill One of the most unique characters in comics history is Beta Ray Bill. At least, he's one of the most unique fan favorites in comics history. Beta Ray Bill fans can rejoice again. He has his own mini-series starting this month in Marvel Comics. The six... http://www.articleheaven.net/beta-ray-bill-1274163.html 07th December 2009 3 Comic Book Writers Worth Reading For comic book collectors who have been out of the comic scene for a little while, I thought I would recommend three writers to look for. These may be familiar to you, or they might be entirely new. It kind of depends on how long you've been out of the ... http://www.articleheaven.net/3-comic-book-writers-worth-reading-1274134.html 07th December 2009 Secret Wars - The Original Reality Comic What would happen if you put a bunch of superheroes in a home and forced them to live together? Better yet, what would happen if you did the same with a bunch of supervillains? As the line goes, what happens when masks stopping being nice and start bein... http://www.articleheaven.net/secret-wars--the-original-reality-comic-1274109.html 07th December 2009 How to Be an Exceptional Husband You don't want to just be a good husband; you want to be an exceptional husband and father. But the role of husband and father in the 21st century isn't exactly the same as it was in your father's generation. Here are some tips for men who want to take th... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-be-an-exceptional-husband-1253130.html 25th November 2009