chrisfnlcpj's Articles en-us Help To Stop Smoking A prevailing issue in today's society is smoking. Smoking has caused various illnesses in people which have resulted in a loss of money, health, etc. Due to the increase of smokers, many anti-smoking agencies and institutions have come up with counselling... 02nd December 2009 Acne Scar Laser Treatment To Remove Acne Scar Effectively Acne poses a problem to almost everyone in todays society. Normally the appearance of acne starts out, in both genders, during puberty and normally continues into adulthood. The appearance of acne has both mental and physical effects on an individual suc... 26th November 2009 Acne Rosacea What Is Acne Rosacea Acne rosacea is a somewhat frequent skin disease. Due to the disease, red spots that are similar to pimples appear on the faces of the individuals. Nevertheless these spots are not pimples but expanded blood vessels that show through the skin, creating re... 26th November 2009 How To Get Rid Of Acne Effectively Today acne is a problem suffered by not only teeenagers but also many adults.. Most wonder how to remove acne effectively and get back their flawless skin. Several products can be found in the market today, giving you various options and treatments to get... 26th November 2009