Naomi Andrews's Articles en-us Toners To Maintain Your Skin Tone Our skin constitutes of skin cells (multiple layers), skin pores, hair follicles and skin proteins. The amounts of these constituents together decide the type, texture and complexion of our skin. In the following article, we will be dealing with the skin ... 21st February 2011 Tips For Maintaining Healthy Skin Skin is the largest and most visible organ of our body. It thus becomes essential for all of us to take care and properly maintain our skins’ health to keep it young and radiant. Our facial skin and its appearance is the first thing noticed by anybody we ... 15th February 2011 What Is Body Butter? The art of skin care has grown tremendously during the last decade. Skin care scientists are working on innovative products which will protect, heal and safeguard the skin from damage in better ways. One such innovative product is body butter. Earlier gen... 14th February 2011 If You Have Combination Skin: Be Careful While Selecting Your Skin Care Products Our skin covers and protects all other organs of our body inside it. This makes it our most important organ as well. Millions of cells which together form the upper most layer (epidermis) fall mainly into five categories. The various proteins and other pr... 08th February 2011 How Essential Are Essential Oils For Your Skin? You might have noticed or heard many skin care professionals and sites boasting about the essential oils present in their products and the benefits. Essential oils are undoubtedly essential for the skin. They help improve and revitalize the skin and hair ... 26th January 2011 Get The Desired Tanned Look Without Harming Your Skin Exposure to sunlight is inevitable but protecting the skin against sun damage is important. Overexposure to the radiation from the sun can cause skin damage which can result in redness, rashes and itchy skin. Repeated exposure for longer durations can als... 14th January 2011 Treating Open Skin Pores Skin pores refer to the small openings on the skin through which various skin secretions and proteins reach the skin surface. The hair follicles on the skin also appear through these pores. Thus, the skin pores are very essential part of the skin as they ... 06th January 2011 Chose The Right Skin Care Product As Per Your Skin’s Need Elastin and collagen are the two important skin proteins, which impart your skin its elasticity, tone and texture. Texture refers to the appearance and is decided by the number and size of the skin pores. Your skin texture – even or uneven is controlled b... 17th November 2010 Age Intervention Becomes Easy Some studies have revealed that the timing and type of aging changes experienced by a person are also affected by the general attitude a person has towards life.. Dermatologists believe that the aging of the skin can be delayed by maintaining a healthy li... 21st October 2010 Acne: Physiology And Causes Acne is the most common of all the skin problems. Eighty percent of the population, men and women suffer from this problem. In many cases the acne might break out and then disappear on its own but in other cases it may need some special treatments. Acne a... 04th October 2010 Aging – Process, Treatment And Lifestyle Changes Aging results from permanent changes which occur in one's body during the growing years. These changes occur in the organs, muscles, in each cell of the body and the most apparent changes can be noticed on the skin in the form of wrinkles, dark spots, liv... 08th September 2010 The Art Of Using Concealers Camouflaging trouble areas on the face with concealersConcealers help mask trouble areas, blemishes, and dark circles. They help your skin look glowing and smooth out uneven tone. They balance out your skin complexion and tone. From the neck area to all o... 06th September 2010 7 Sunscreen Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin "I do not need sunscreen." cannot tell you how many times I have heard women say this. Whether they are bearing their face to the harsh winter wind or lying bare in the sun to get a tan, this is one statement some women just can look beyond.Here are some ... 13th July 2010 Summer Beauty Bonanza – Great Products to Survive the Summer Come summer and it i time to boost your sunscreen regimen and get ready to beat the heat. However, skin care only starts there, as the days become brighter and longer, you need to change up your beauty routine and include more summer skin care products in... 28th June 2010 5 Beauty Secrets To Make Your Skin Healthy and Flawless We are all born with healthy flawless skin but few are able to keep it the same way as we age. However, healthy skin is not all bout genetics. In fact, it has more to do with how you take care of your skin and provide it with essential nutrients.Here are ... 14th June 2010 How To Choose The Perfect Moisturizer For Your Skin? If there is one thing that you need to stick by through thick and thin, it must be your moisturizer. No matter your age, skin type, or weather conditions you should always use a moisturizer. How do you know if you are using the right moisturizer?As we go ... 04th June 2010 Make-Up Routine for Sensitive Skin Sensitive skin is perhaps the most difficult to deal with. Whether you have rosacea or eczema or your skin is prone to allergies, redness or flaking, finding skin care products that do not irritate your skin can be challenging..Cosmetic ingredients usuall... 31st May 2010 Mineral Cosmetics – A Healthy Way To Make-Up Your Face. Mineral make-up is the new rage in the cosmetics . With the increased awareness regarding healthy skin, women are more skeptical about using make-up products and cosmetics with harsh ingredients and are turning to healthier and safer options.Mineral make-... 24th May 2010 Skin Care For Spring – 3 Things You Can't Do Without? Your skin doesn't behave the same way all year. So why do you do with the same skin care routine all year long?Changing seasons calls for changes in your skin care regimen as well. And with Spring just around the corner, it's about time you make a few twe... 19th May 2010 Celebrate Mothers Day with Mineral Make-Up! With Mother's Day just around the corner, its high time you think about what to give the person who has given you the gift of life! While some of you might have already planned your surprise, some of you have the last minute jitters.Whether it's your own ... 17th May 2010 Celebrate Mothers Day With Obagi Skin Care Products! God cannot be everywhere... that is why he created Mothers! So goes the popular saying. Mothers are the most special people in our lives and Mothers Day is the perfect occasion to thank them for all their love and care and thank them for making you what y... 01st April 2010 Why Do Skin Care Products Fail To Work At Times? Have you ever bought a skin care product expecting it to deliver sensational results only to be disappointed when it failed to perform? Or worse, used a product that upset your skin even more?Before blaming the skin care product, you should consider the v... 12th February 2010 Taking Care Of Various Skin Conditions! Blessed are the ones who have healthy skin. And great are the ones who maintain healthy skin. However, women and men otherwise come across several skin problems and conditions. Here are some of the most common skin conditions.Sensitive skinDehydrated skin... 27th January 2010 Choosing Your Anti Aging Products The skin care market is overflowing with varieties of anti aging skin care products. There are products to cater to each and every skin type and address a host of other skin problems in addition to providing anti-aging benefits to the skin.As women become... 29th December 2009 Skin Care Ingredients – For Better Of For Worse? Just as some skin care ingredients are considered good for the skin, there are other ingredients that are infamous for the side effects they have. While some are known to cause cancer, some are accused of over-drying the skin. But are the so called "bad" ... 29th December 2009 How Can Men Shave With Acne Without Harming The Skin? One of the most challenging things for men is to shave on acne-inflicted skin. While shaving is an essential daily regimen, the razor moving on acneic skin can serve to make the condition worse and damage the skin further.However, with effective skin care... 22nd December 2009 Good Skin Care Habits – Are They Really Good For You? Healthy skin is a result of good skin care habits. But what if the potential 'good habits' have a dark side to them? Many women carry on doing things that they do under the impression that it is the best thing for their skin. What they don't realize is th... 22nd December 2009 Exfoliation – An Essential Step In Your Skin Care Regimen One of the key steps of skin care routine is exfoliation. It involves scraping off the dead skin cells from the surface to reveal the fresh new cells from underneath.The skin cells start in the dermis layer and with time move through five layers of your s... 11th December 2009 Vitamin C in Skin Care Products – A Handy Bunch! Vitamin C is a popular skin acre ingredient and is used extensively in skin care products and skin treatments. This is because it offers a full range of benefits to the skin. In fact, it is often touted as the "all-rounder" when it comes to skin care.Bene... 03rd December 2009 Exfoliation – How It Keeps Your Complexion Glowing & Flawless? Exfoliation is an integral part of skin care regimens. It essentially helps to scrape off the layer of dead skin cells from the surface and reveal the healthy new cells from underneath. Moreover, it also helps removes the dirt and debris accumulated withi... 03rd December 2009