Gerda Peter's Articles en-us Can You Find Fast Weight Loss In The New Year? Many people are interested in fast weight loss as we approach another new year. There are many diets that can help you take weight off fast. Here are some things that will work. There are people that have an event to go to like a wedding or going on va... 20th January 2010 Lose 20 Pounds With A Realistic Plan If you want to lose 20 pounds or more there is a realistic and achievable plan for doing so. Many people become intimidated when trying to lose a lot of weight as it can be a daunting task. But there is a good way to break that down making it seem easy... 06th January 2010 Basic Dieting Tips To Aid In Weight Loss And Weight Maintenance It's well known that the key to staying healthy and fit can be found in exercising and losing weight. Here are some basic dieting tips which will help you feel and look better if combined with exercise. Dieting (eating) properly really isn't that compl... 08th December 2009