Josef Stewart's Articles en-us Natural Cleaning Products - the benefits of cleaning products Instead of the chemical ingredients we are so very used to, a great change in household cleaning would come from the extensive predominance of natural cleaning products relying on eco-friendly substances alone. Conventional cleaning products usually have ... 16th November 2009 How To Live Environmentally Friendly? There are both moderate and radical solutions available for people interested in how to live environmentally friendly. It all resumes to the willingness to make personal changes. Personal awareness alone and individual determination can work as the basis ... 16th November 2009 How To Go Green - the good tips for you A more sustainable lifestyle is indeed close within reach because anyone in search of solutions for how to go green will find awesome tech tips and very intelligent household suggestions to develop a new lifestyle. All green initiatives should start from ... 16th November 2009 Green Friendly - understand more about green living lifestyle How can we define a green-friendly lifestyle? There is a common belief that green-friendly products equal lack of comfort, and if we think how eager we are to pamper our bums with ultra-soft toilet paper, we may understand how true this is. Well, you may ... 15th November 2009 Environmental Products - how it enter the market The trading of environmental products on many markets worldwide corresponds to the effort of implementing a new paradigm. When such items are available in regular stores and markets, their exposure is higher and the number of buyers will increase signific... 15th November 2009 Eco Friendly Products - the sad truth The categories of eco friendly products have become a lot more numerous and versatile with the increased insistence on green lifestyles. People can now shop for eco friendly products according to almost any category related to human activity; there are gr... 15th November 2009 Eco Friendly Cleaning - the truth about eco friendly cleaning Cleaning agents usually contain very powerful chemicals meant to remove stains, kill germs or dissolve rust and mineral deposits, but all these substances are a threat for our health.Every household actually uses stain removers and all sorts of solvents t... 15th November 2009