skember's Articles en-us The perfect outdoor grilled vegetable Vegetables make excellent subjects for grilling. Cooking times vary greatly dependent on the vegetable albeit and all not all are ideal for grilling. Take care. Vegetables are delicate, far more so than meats. Try to grill on charcoal as the smoke gre... 21st November 2009 Insights into cast iron griddles Cast iron griddles predate history and yet ironically they were still an essential tool in the wagons carried across the plains by the early pioneers of our great country. They remain an important tool in the kitchen armory of the American cook. I know ma... 21st November 2009 Jambalaya cuisine secrets Creole-Cajun style Jambalaya cuisine is a highly versatile style of cooking that has become very popular; it is a one-pot dish cooked in cast iron Jambalaya pots. Cooking Jambalaya is more of an art than a science these days as it has become firmly en... 21st November 2009 Propane burners and Propane stoves, a review Propane stoves and propane burners are a traditional and very reliable choice for outdoor cooking. Across the marketplace propane burners are designed with safety and functionality in mind albeit some marks are notably better than others. Here at t... 21st November 2009