Charlie Board's Articles en-us Take the inside, outside. Unless we live in a warm climate, we aren't used to considering the garden as another room for ourselves and our families to utilise. But living in the UK doesn't mean confining ourselves to stuffy living rooms - with a bit of imagination and a few savvy ... 07th March 2011 Why everyone should recycle mobile phones Everyone should recycle mobile phones in order to save millions of tonnes of raw materials, according to a leading phone manufacturer. If more people chose to recycle a mobile, Nokia claims that almost 125,000 tonnes of raw materials could be saved fro... 10th February 2011 Beauty skin care 'is vitally important' Maintaining a good beauty skin care regime is vitally important, it has been suggested. Writing in the Daytona Beach News-Journal, dermatologist John Coppola noted that skin protects people from infection, helps keep their bodies keep at a steady tempe... 07th February 2011 The Perfect Caricatures Caricatures are all too often associated with a man near a beach who will draw you with your hair full of salt and your freshly pinked skin as a focus of the piece. Yet despite the fact people know that they are going to be drawn at a time when they are p... 02nd February 2011 Collecting Green Data All companies and employees understand the requirement for time and attendance monitoring. Employers want to know that their employees are actually showing up for work. If a company work a flexible time policy then employees want it accurately recorded wh... 31st January 2011 How environmental compliance impacts on mechanical engineering Mechanical design depends heavily on electronic technology, which is involved in the manufacture of everything from computer terminals to truck engines. Environmental compliance rulings such as the new RoHS/WEEE regulations therefore impact heavily on mec... 19th January 2011 Get expert help with choosing the right business mobile phones Everyone has a mobile in this day and age. Even school kids. Features and functionality keep evolving at a frightening rate. No good waiting the latest model before you take the plunge and get a new phone. New ones seem to be appeared all the time. Busin... 12th January 2011 Breaking into Modelling – Advice for Teens Many teenage girls dream of becoming a model. It can be a glamorous and exciting first step onto the career ladder for a teenager. For a suitable teenager, there are plenty of modelling jobs available, from modelling fashion for a teen magazine, to helpin... 10th January 2011 Choosing exhibition stands Your space at an exhibition or a show is just one of dozens or maybe even hundreds of plots. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd, especially when each stall looks pretty much like the one next to it. There is a lot you can do with promotional materials and... 25th November 2010 Language translation used in opera Last month, an audience was treated to a unique opera performance that involved language translation in its development. On August 27th, the Opra Cymru company presented a 90-minute version of a French creation, which its producers had transformed into... 21st October 2010 The Right Diet for the Right Physique The body is supposed to be a temple, not a portaloo. And if you want it to stay that way, then it’s best not to fill it with crap. Getting into shape takes dedication and hard work, but without the right diet, you can be fighting a losing battle. Makin... 05th October 2010 Engage with business mobiles There can't be many businesses out there that haven't realised the advantages of using mobile technology in all its glory. Even if it's only to make phone calls on the move or send a text if the person can't be reached, the basics are so entrenched in our... 11th August 2010 Sourcing Business Telephone Systems Whether you're a small start-up or a large corporation, cost-effective telephone systems are key to your business's success. The market is an increasingly complex one. And sometimes it can seem hard to find a way through the jungles of jargon surrounding ... 16th April 2010