Deepak Saxena's Articles en-us Relevance of relationship advice Relationships cause the most pain to people. As they are tricky it is important to get help of relationship advice in the case you face some problem. The human nature is difficult to understand. People behave in a way which may be quite puzzling for a... 08th February 2010 Expansion of media and funny news News has become a commodity in the modern world. There are many sources of all kinds of news including funny news. In the old times when people used to feel the need to know about any event they used to fall back on the word of mouth of their friends and... 08th February 2010 Social life and Indian cartoonist India is considered a heaven for cartoonists as it has so many themes to make fun of. Any Indian cartoonist can make so many cartoons on various subjects of the country's social and political life. Cartooning is a creative and engaging art. You need to ... 15th January 2010 Why people like funny pictures Humans have this great desire to see amusing and funny pictures. It entertains them a lot, as they make them laugh. Most of people are simply bored of their daily routine existence. They look for some opportunities to have fun. On the other hands huma... 15th January 2010 The business of fun In the modern world everything is commercialized. Business houses have cropped up offering everything from basic essential items to fun related items. People have devised ways to have fun. All kinds of art forms and various cultural activities are mea... 15th January 2010 Why outsource work to a cartoonist India based The liberalization of economy in India has resulted in outsourcing of various kinds of work to the country. There are many a cartoonist India based who can provide good work related to cartoon, illustration, caricature, etc. Cartooning is a great art ... 08th January 2010 Celebrity gallery for fans Celebrities have become modern day icons. So many people look up to them for their style and glamour. Many online portals offer celebrity gallery to satisfy people's need to see image of their favorite film actors and artists. Celebrities have become ... 08th January 2010 Joke of the day for your fun The Internet has opened a whole world of information, engagement and entertainment for people. Now besides networking with people and doing the office work you can also enjoy fun stuff like joke of the day. The advent of the Internet has brought a who... 29th December 2009 Funny videos for your amusement Technological advancement has enabled us to come up with many ways to have fun. One of them is to shoot and enjoy funny videos. The last century was revolutionary in the technological sense. Many development work happened in the century that defined t... 29th December 2009 Women and recipes in India Indian woman are considered conservative and homely. They are very much focused on bringing up kids besides making delicious recipes. Now they are also coming to work in offices and getting modern. In spite of all modern advancement in India, most of ... 29th December 2009 Modern lifestyle and desktop wallpapers Desktop wallpapers are quite popular with young people. It is due to people's desire to spice up their working experience on a computer system. A desktop wallpaper is a background big image which forms the back side of the screen of a computer desktop. ... 15th December 2009 Play Flash games for fun Humans love to play games. Flash games offered online by various websites give opportunities to game lovers to have fun without downloading anything on their system. There are many ways to have fun. Entertainment is a basic human need. People keep com... 15th December 2009 Human life and amazing facts The human mind is always in search for novelty. As said variety is spice of life, people by nature keep looking for new things and amazing facts. Most of people in the world lead a pretty bring and normal life. They do not have many things to enjoy in ... 07th December 2009 The art of cartoon Humor is a very important part of life. It makes our life a pleasant experience. Cartoon is an art form that relies heavily on humor to express various emotions and views. Humor is the ability to see funny or contradictory aspects of life and make peo... 01st December 2009 Why we need funny news News is a piece of information about any current event. There are various kinds of news like current affairs news, sports news, entertainment news and funny news. Major news sources include newspapers, television, magazines, radio and the Internet. Ne... 01st December 2009 The human need for jokes and entertainment Entertainment is something people need in their lives, as they get bored of their daily existence. People want to have fun at the end of the day. They want to see funny things and crack jokes. That is the reason why entertainment industry is a huge indust... 01st December 2009