Ingrid Preube's Articles en-us Permanent Hair Removal- The Best of Two Options There are several ways a person can remove hair from the body, but there are only two permanent ways that are sufficient today. You can either try electrolysis or embark on a laser treatment procedure. The difficult part is choosing which one is the best ... 08th February 2010 Permanent Hair Removal- The Top Options Available How does it Work? When you use electrolysis hair removal treatments, it's done through taking a needle and penetrating the skin into your hair follicle. If you go with a laser procedure you won't need any needles, because the only thing entering the skin... 12th January 2010 Trying to Select Laser Hair Removal In Florida? Tampa Bay Laser Hair Removal is one of quite a lot of Laser Hair Removal In Florida clinics; in this editorial we will provide some details on it so you can choose whether you will investigate this cosmetician to determine whether it should be on your lis... 10th December 2009