colincraig's Articles en-us What Collagen Injections Can Do Against Wrinkles These injectables are mainly used to improve the appearance of skin texture, filling our wrinkles, creases and furrows which are common byproducts of the aging process. These can also work on increasing fullness in "sunken" cheeks, on the lips, on skin de... 25th November 2009 Get Rid of Wrinkles Safely and Effectively First: detoxify. Antioxidants can be derived from certain foods. Examples of these foods are green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, and berries. This includes vitamins A, C, and E which are very potent antioxidants. They feed on free-radicals and th... 25th November 2009 Facts on Wrinkle Cream Products Although the aging process can be actually delayed by careful skin care and measures against skin damage, most of skin care product consumers decide to deal with the problem when it is already visible. In response to this demand, a large number of wrink... 25th November 2009 Erasing Under Eye Dark Circles: Divulged Secrets! People with this condition are at a constant search for remedies and treatments. This may be removed up to some point but complete removal seems to be out of reach for the moment. Some popular and proven ways for the reduction (and in the process, removal... 16th November 2009 Reduce Bags Under The Eyes Among other reasons for development of dark circles under the eyes include allergies. In people born with allergies such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and hayfever, this is a frequent sight. Airborne allergens such as pollens and dust cause an itching sen... 16th November 2009