Holly Robinson's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Middle School Students Find Creative Financing Solution In this economy, it is not always easy for middle school students to find a way to pay for their annual field trip. Most middle school students try to finance their educational outings with bake sales and magazine subscriptions, supplemented by donations ... http://www.articleheaven.net/middle-school-students-find-creative-financing-solution-1407324.html 19th February 2010 Self Storage Owner Takes on Columbia University and Wins – At Least for Now Columbia University, in New York City, is outgrowing its Morningside Heights campus. It is ready to expand - north into West Harlem. Expanding the school will add more buildings, laboratories, and green areas that are open to the public. There is just... http://www.articleheaven.net/self-storage-owner-takes-on-columbia-university-and-wins--at-least-for-now-1351539.html 15th January 2010 The Art of Storing Antiques and Heirlooms Storing vintage or heirloom anything can be tricky; from vinyl albums to that classic Model T's, there are lots of options for "hiding them away" for safe keeping. But what is the best way to ensure the longevity - and value - of your treasures? Prope... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-art-of-storing-antiques-and-heirlooms-1238244.html 18th November 2009 Self Storage = “Santa’s Workshop” It is that time of year again! Black Friday will be here before you know it! But as your children get bigger (and wiser!), how do you maintain the "surprise" element for Christmas morning? Consider a self storage unit. Today, self storage facilities ... http://www.articleheaven.net/self-storage--santas-workshop-1238243.html 18th November 2009