Shane Kruger's Articles en-us Benefits of Using Promotional Gifts Our series on marketing for small companies rolls on nowadays by having an informative check out the energy of promotional gifts from our close friends. In the recent article, they outlined all 5 key advantages of using promotional gifts as being a promot... 05th February 2017 Scope of Filming In Vancouver Lights, Camera, Action! Vancouver used to get a lot of big Hollywood productions due to the financial incentive of filming up here. Then, all that went away when it became…not so attractive. Now, it appears that things are gearing up once again with numer... 25th February 2011 Characteristics of pure skincare products To me this question is a lot like smoking in the 1960's - when you talk to someone that was a smoker back then, they usually say "we didn't know it was bad for us." Maybe… but they suspected it was bad. I don't believe that it never crossed anyone's min... 04th August 2010 Why use pure skincare this summer? As summer comes along, and we spend long days at the beach, it is important to protect our skin from harmful UV rays, but SPF is not the only important factor to consider. Some skincare products contain potentially harmful chemicals. The effects of thes... 22nd June 2010 Why pure skincare products playing vital role in women’s beauty? To me this question is a lot like smoking in the 1960's - when you talk to someone that was a smoker back then, they usually say "we didn't know it was bad for us." Maybe… but they suspected it was bad. I don't believe that it never crossed anyone's min... 08th June 2010 5 Steps to a Hale And Hearty Diet Meal Plan Looking smart and beautiful is the charm and dream of every person. For this you should be very careful about your health and body. You should be very vigilant towards your calories, fats and weight. From different ways you can lose your weight and con... 11th May 2010 1800 Calorie Diet Meal Plan for Over 40 women 1800 calories per day is about the lowest a woman should go when aiming for fat loss. See more about this on the Daily Calorie Needs Calculator. 800 Calorie Diet Meal Plan Breakfast • 1½ Cups Shredded Wheat Cereal • 1½ Cup Trim (1%) Milk Mo... 06th April 2010 Is the need to use pure skincare products just alarmist hype? To me this question is a lot like smoking in the 1960's - when you talk to someone that was a smoker back then, they usually say "we didn't know it was bad for us." Maybe… but they suspected it was bad. I don't believe that it never crossed anyone's min... 08th March 2010