Terry Ladouceur's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Keep your Children Safe! Our children are one of the most precious gifts we receive and at the same time they can be the most vulnerable in this harsh world we now live in. They seem to be growing up so fast and learn so much more than we ever did, especially with access to the v... http://www.articleheaven.net/keep-your-children-safe-1196404.html 23rd October 2009 Missing Persons - My Navy Buddy is Dead! Don't worry this has a happy ending. I know the title is alarming, many of us who have served our country know the pain of losing someone and it's never easy. But here is a story that does have a happy ending. A friend of mine, Peter, who served in th... http://www.articleheaven.net/missing-persons--my-navy-buddy-is-dead-1193520.html 22nd October 2009