Charles Stratton's Articles en-us The Evolution of Cell Phones We have come across long way from the first cell phones to today's modern cell phones. But still the basic concept remains same. In the year of 1947, Douglas H.Ring and W. Rae Young, Bell Labs engineers projected the hexagonal cells for mobile phones. ... 11th December 2009 Multiple Benefits of Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery focuses more in both reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery or aesthetic surgery rather than focusing only in reconstructive. Reconstructive surgery enables us to modify any irregularities in our body like scar or a ripped earlobe. Pl... 11th December 2009 Home Cinema Accessories When you have a separate room for your home cinema, you would be looking at accessorizing it. While you ponder a lot on how you will be decorating your other rooms, you should spare some time to do up you home cinema room as well. You should realize that ... 11th December 2009 What Are the Top Picks In Plasma TV? Plasma Display Panels (PDPs) are popularly known as flat panel TV. This type of plasma TVs are becoming the most popular type of television now a days. Their fantastic display capabilities have made them as popular as ever. More and more homes are demandi... 11th December 2009