James K King's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Money Saving Tips for Any Business If you own or run a business you will be looking for new ways to save money and make life that little bit easier for you, your employees and your customers. So with that in mind, here are a few highly effective but low cost ways to help you expand your bu... http://www.articleheaven.net/money-saving-tips-for-any-business-2013339.html 07th February 2011 Conference Calls – Choosing the Best Conference Phone There are a number of important factors to look at when choosing a conference phone to get the best quality from your conference calls.First of all don’t just go out and buy the cheapest conference phone you can find. Do your research and make sure ... http://www.articleheaven.net/conference-calls--choosing-the-best-conference-phone-1353650.html 19th January 2010 Enjoy Freedom and Flexibility with Teleconference Calls Whether you are meeting colleagues, customers, suppliers or friends and family, simply host a stress-free teleconference call. Call conferencing is a revolutionary way to conduct one's business. Business conference calls have now paved the way for co... http://www.articleheaven.net/enjoy-freedom-and-flexibility-with-teleconference-calls-1264482.html 27th November 2009 The Business Benefits of Conference Calls In today's fast paced business environment, little challenges like physical location pale into insignificance. With powerful tools such as the internet and conference call services, employees can work together seamlessly even when their offices are in dif... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-business-benefits-of-conference-calls-1264450.html 27th November 2009 Reap the Benefits of Free Conference Calls Conference calls are a popular facility in office life, as they offer a number of benefits to a business, particularly during a period of recession. Obviously, free conference calls provide a viable and cheaper option than sending staff on expensive b... http://www.articleheaven.net/reap-the-benefits-of-free-conference-calls-1264428.html 27th November 2009 There Are So Many Ways to Use Conference Calling Conference calling is about more than a three-way conversation. Widen your imagination to suit your needs. Consider your company holding meetings, providing training and coaching, giving talks to employees, making corporate announcement with conference... http://www.articleheaven.net/there-are-so-many-ways-to-use-conference-calling-1264391.html 27th November 2009