Eco20/20's Articles en-us Plugging Yourself Into the Green Economy Green jobs are going to be the first step toward helping build a better world, one which is going to not only promote a healthy way of living, but will also help you have a reliable career that should set you up for the greatest chance of success. As the ... 23rd February 2010 Green Lobbyist Entrepreneur There are lobby and special interest groups for nearly everything in Washington, D.C., trying to get bills passed that are beneficial to their own needs and blocking bills that would stop or hamper those needs in any way. Becoming a green lobbyist is not ... 30th November 2009 Kinetic Energy: Harnessing the Energy Naturally Created By Our Own Bodies Kinetic energy is formed whenever we move around we drive around. Harnessing that power by various forms of technology allows that energy to be transformed into electrical power and used for a number of applications. It is happening at this very time in v... 23rd November 2009