James Kahn's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com LAWID USE OF PREPRINTED FORMS IN THE UNCONTESTED DIVORCE SETTING We are all aware that DIY is a popular way to get the job done while saving money. Legal matters are not exempt from this trend, and even the stressful undertaking of changing marital status through divorce or separation is now a feature in the DIY market... http://www.articleheaven.net/lawid--use-of-preprinted-forms-in-the-uncontested-divorce-setting-1483973.html 01st April 2010 Common Reasons in Filing Divorce Forms We commonly hear couples getting divorced or filing for divorce. What is the accurate meaning of divorce? Divorce is defined as judicial declaration dissolution of marriage between man and woman. When granted it releases both from all matrimonial duties a... http://www.articleheaven.net/common-reasons-in-filing-divorce-forms-1327229.html 06th January 2010 Understanding Annulment Forms What are Annulment Forms? It is a legal document that when granted to declare the marriage annulled and void. A kind of document that will consider marriage has never took place. The petitioner must prove that the respondent has never been engaged his lif... http://www.articleheaven.net/understanding-annulment-forms-1327009.html 06th January 2010 Filing Divorce Form is the Biggest Decision any Wife Made There are points in life which we need to make decisions that can completely change our lives forever. One is when the wife decides to give up the marriage that she thought can give her happiness. It is neither a simple nor an ordinary decision to make as... http://www.articleheaven.net/filing-divorce-form-is-the-biggest-decision-any-wife-made-1308052.html 21st December 2009