Mary's Articles en-us Tailored Solutions In Hair Products Consumers have come to expect tailored solutions when it comes to all hair products on the market, whether buying the product at a top swanky salon or from a retail outlet, they want something that ‘homes’ into their particular hair type or hair problem. ... 07th September 2011 Common Misconceptions About Our Hair There are many misconceptions out there and none more so than about our hair. By far the most widely held misconception is that hair is alive and itsī condition can be altered by using some high-fangled commercial product. Hair is only living matter at... 21st June 2011 The Royal Wedding Is A Global Celebration It is at last the Royal wedding week and since last November, when the Royal engagement was announced, the world has had itsī eyes focused on London and it is not only the British people who will celebrate and stand proud as this is indeed a Global Celebr... 06th May 2011 Healthy Follicles Mean Healthy Hair Everyone wants healthy shiny hair and letīs face it, your hair follicles are already doing a pretty good job of keeping your hair healthy. Your job is therefore very simple, just look after your hair by keeping it conditioned and protected from damage. ... 05th May 2011 Quality Hair Products Need Not Cost The Earth Beautiful hair requires the use of high-quality hair care products but good honest-to-goodness quality products does not necessarily mean they are expensive. These days, many outlets stock quality shampoos, conditioners and a vast range of hair products t... 13th April 2011 Hair Is Fragile And Needs Care The most fragile part of our body is our hair which requires special care in every season. All the major brands provide hair care products which are made to address all the problems relating to cleaning hair, premature graying, hair fall, and style. E... 08th April 2011 Hair Care Spending Is Big Business The amount of money consumers spend on hair products annually is big business. Most men and women are concerned about the appearance of their hair and go out of their way to attain beautiful and healthy locks and will spend, spend, spend to achieve their... 01st April 2011 Healthy Looking Hair Hair grows at around six inches a year, so healthy looking hair is the result of long term care and attention. Care taken with brushing, excellent shampoos and conditioners will go a long way to keep your hair in top condition. Now-a-days pollution an... 16th March 2011 HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED Hair care has always been about improving the appearance of hair by cleaning, conditioning, colouring, or styling, and today a combination of science and marketing has brought about hundreds of companies offering a vast range of hair products, to solve ev... 28th February 2011 The Art Of Photography Is Talent The art of photography is a talent, a talent that enhances the best situations, which makes a photograph interesting, innovative, captures poses that are unusual, also captures the happiness and joy of a moment in our life's history. When you are conside... 07th June 2010 Gaming Experience Of A Lifetime The playstation 3 is one of the most popular gaming products on the market, it is a bit more expensive than the other brands but this is to be expected as it provides much higher quality and great games. Online gaming is becoming more and more popular... 01st March 2010