eresourceerp's Articles en-us Efficient, predictable and more profitable ERP can improve productivity in manufacturing sector Productivity improvementEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution can significantly improve the productivity of the manufacturing sector. Use of ERP should not be looked at as a tool for automation... 19th November 2014 Know the main 'culprit' and 'worst' planner Making ERP success: Identifying the right elements In our last article we have discussed what makes a business grow. It was explained in details the basic qualities, applications and dedicated efforts are necessary to succeed in a business field. Wha... 10th May 2011 Best manufacturing solution for SMEs Minimum investment and maximum benefit The flexible, affordable and fully scalable, eresource ERP is the ideal solution for newly emerging and smaller companies, as well as for growth-oriented SMEs requiring multi-site and multi-currency capabilities.... 13th January 2011 Web Based ERP Solutions from India ERP Solutions in India India is a developing nation and it will take some time before it takes rapid strides along with the rest of the developed world. However, it is not the case that the world is unaware of the growing clout of the country in each a... 13th January 2011 Healthy customer relationship boosts business Customer Relationship Management For accomplishing desired success, organizations continuously strive for increased sales performance, superior customer service and enhanced customer relationship management. 12th January 2011 flexible reporting and analysis Operational reports from the ERP system show recent events, but they do not satisfy managers' requirements for planned versus actual monitoring, forecasting and exception analysis. Without business intelligence, managers must compile these reports manuall... 24th March 2010