Scott Douglase's Articles en-us How to Find What Channels Are On Satellite TV Today, not only can we have TV everywhere we want to watch it, but we can watch anything we want on TV at anytime we want to watch it as well. Hundreds of channels ranging from kids cartoons all the way through war documentaries are available twenty four ... 14th September 2010 Editing Using Stock Video Clips Info on how to select, edit, and use stock video clips when creating a video. Includes details on the benefits of stock footage in general. Recycling offers many popular benefits. Why not apply the concept of reuse when creating videos? Stock footage c... 06th October 2009 The Importance of Incorporating HD into Production The benefits of using high definition (HD) video production and employing HD formatted stock footage clips. There are a number of limitations a director faces while shooting a film. Directors can encounter problems such as not being able to view footag... 05th October 2009