rockstar's Articles en-us Now Right Warning: -This Article Is A Waste of Time Today's topic, ladies and gentleman, is: Time. We're going to talk about time today because I never seem to have enough of it. And I figure that if I dedicate a whole article to the subject of time and stress some of it's finer points, then perhaps Father... 14th October 2009 Aftershave: Fragrant Skin Care tips for Men Shaving is a passionate job for men, nothing can enhance looks of a man like shaving does, and removal of stubble will transform your face and looks drastically. After getting over with shaving, all men require doing is bathing and applying that attractiv... 17th September 2009 Skincare Lotion for Your Skin Skin care should be designed to fit your type of skin. The skin is also the largest excretion organ, eliminating bodily waste through its pores. Choosing the right lotion for your skin is essential to ensure that perfect glow. Bath lotions are the ones th... 17th September 2009