Mike josaf's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Massage Oils – Advantages & Disadvantages Grapeseed Oil Grapeseed oil is the most widely used oil for body massage. It is finely textured, smooth and free-flowing. It is high in linoleic acid (E.F.A.) and contains some vitamin E.. This will nourish the skin and allow it to store for longer,... http://www.articleheaven.net/massage-oils--advantages--disadvantages-1072012.html 07th September 2009 Massage Movements & Their Effects Effleurage: this is a movement mainly consisting of "stroking" with the flat of the hand, fingers close together and as far as is practicable, the tips of the fingers turning upwards to avoid protuberances. Effleurage precedes all other movements because ... http://www.articleheaven.net/massage-movements--their-effects-1072010.html 07th September 2009 Aromatherapy – Fact or Fiction Aromatherapy science and the use of essential oils is a recently created field, with some startling information to share. For many years, practitioners of holistic aromatherapy have claimed that scents and aromas can be used to reduce stress and promote r... http://www.articleheaven.net/aromatherapy--fact-or-fiction-1066602.html 04th September 2009 Why Use Synergy Skin Care Synergy Skincare is based upon the philosophy of, providing you with quality natural and organic handmade products that meet the individual demands of your skin, without using unnecessary harsh chemicals. There are many fillers and chemicals added to skin... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-use-synergy-skin-care-1066599.html 04th September 2009