Shannon Hilson's Articles en-us Aluminum Makeup Cases: The Smart Decision It should go without saying that when you open up your makeup case, everything inside it should be organized neatly. Although that should be the case, it's amazing how poorly designed many cases are - even some chic looking aluminum makeup cases. When you... 13th June 2011 Makeup Cases - Choosing Between Metal And Soft I would love to think that anyone reading this article has past the stage of storing their cosmetics in little old bags. Many people should have understood the importance of getting and using a good makeup case. If you are still using your old bag or a pl... 02nd March 2011 Your Choice Of Art Portfolio Cases I have noticed that immediately women get very interested in an item, that item begins to experience rapid changes and every kind of design begins to show up. With the increased interest of women in art portfolio cases, all sorts of design have begun to e... 14th February 2011 Art Portfolio Cases - A Handy Tool You must have realized that people are now using portfolio cases more than before. It is now a very popular sight. It looks like it is more so with the womenfolk. This does not mean that men do not carry portfolio case. They do. What could possibly be ... 14th February 2011 Using Aluminum Makeup Cases Most of the cases available today are made of aluminum and are easily the most reliable too. Of course some people may have reservations about this but all we need to do is look at some merits of the aluminum makeup cases so everyone would decide if it is... 14th February 2011 Important Facts about Aluminum Make-up Cases As time changes, so does one's needs and demands. As most women these days work hard to keep up their appearances and maintain themselves, their needs have started altering too, in order to suit them more. Previously, most women considered bags and purses... 14th February 2011 Makeup Cases - Keeping Your Stuff Organized The other day I watched my kid sister and some of my singers while they did their make just before a show. Since it was a small gig, we did not see the need of getting a professional makeup artist. I am always curious about stuff. While the ritual was on,... 27th January 2011 High-Quality Aluminum Makeup Cases – the Ultimate in Organization Gone are the days when all you needed was a simple foundation, some powder, mascara and lipstick. Now there is specific makeup for the evening, for dress-up, being casual, and work. Additionally, there is moisturizing creams, wrinkle reducing lotions and ... 27th January 2011 Stay Up-to-date with Aluminum Make-up Cases Make-up has become an essential part of every woman’s life, no matter which profession she may belong to. You do not have to belong to a field of glamour necessarily, to wear make-up and look hip. Applying make-up is a skill, which when learned and master... 27th January 2011 Being Creative with Your Aluminum Make-up Case If you own several make-up accessories, it is highly probably, rather required that you would be creative. There is no other way you will be able to get the most out of the various shades of eye shadows and lip glosses. Applying make-up requires that you ... 27th January 2011 Important Facts About Aluminum Makeup Cases Make-up users are beginning to replace their traditional makeup bags and cases with aluminum makeup cases. The change comes as a response to the need for more versatile products that will store more cosmetics and accessories without the need to find multi... 28th October 2010 How To Choose Aluminum Make-up Cases Most women know that there is never a dull day when they use makeup. This is because no matter if they woke up on the wrong side of the bed, applying makeup is a therapy that rarely fails to have an effect in making everything 'right'. With this level of ... 28th October 2010 How To Use Aluminum Makeup Cases For Floral Decoration If you have old aluminum makeup cases laying around your house then throwing them in garbage is a waste of money, time and creativity. Of course there are those that will argue that hundreds of recycling firms will benefit from the aluminum makeup cases t... 28th October 2010 Top Things You Should Know About Aluminum Portfolio Cases You do not have to look very far to find aluminum portfolio cases being offered on the market. However, you do need to invest some time to see which of the many aluminum portfolio cases is really worth your hard earned cash. There is no special trick to ... 28th October 2010 Top Ways to Pep up Aluminum Art Cases Art students, designers and architects know how important it is to have aluminum art cases that are personalized to reflect their tastes and preferences. This is because personalization adds life to any surface and helps to differentiate one item from the... 28th October 2010 Tools That Should Be In Aluminum Tool Cases Every DIY person knows the importance of having tool cases loaded with as many tools to be ready for any possible task that could arise. However, what is commonly seen that is people use the wrong tool cases and have the wrong type of tools at home. The r... 15th October 2010 Art Portfolios Cases combine Style and Security After all the time and effort it takes to create a work of art, the last thing you want is for all of your hard work to be ruined by being bent and mangled inside your portfolio. It only takes one bump or spilled drink to undo hours of hard work. While ... 25th May 2010