Todd Jones's Articles en-us What to learn from Japan Over the last week, the international headlines have been dominated by the disaster in Japan. First came the earthquake registering 9.0 on the Richter Scale. This makes it one of the most severe earthquakes since accurate record-keeping began. Then came t... 28th April 2011 What's happening to COBRA? History is sometimes surprising. It's too easy to assume particular laws must be Democrat or Republican. Take the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 as an example. Better known as COBRA, this provides a safety net for people to keep th... 14th December 2009 What can history tell us? According to The Beatles, "It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play." So, in 1988, voters in California passed Proposition 103 which, as history tells us, proved to be one of the best Propositions they have voted for. Why? Becaus... 14th December 2009 What is happening in Wisconsin? It's easy to say what the law is - legislatures must write it down and publish it for all to read - but harder to live with its consequences. Looking across the US, all but three states have laws setting mandatory insurance levels for all vehicles on the ... 14th December 2009 What is happening to the weather? For the last year, the US has been focused on healthcare. Politicians of all shades of opinion have been pitching in on how well or badly the insurance industry serves the people when they are injured or fall ill. This has diverted attention away from the... 26th November 2009