Jenni Maloney's Articles en-us Movies that are 'Rewatchable'! There are varying degrees of practically everything, right? When it comes to movies, the concept still remains the same as pretty much all else, but which 'flicks' deserve a second look, or perhaps a third? In the spirit of keeping the numbers to a mi... 19th March 2010 Movie Trailers - Is Ten Seconds Enough? Have you noticed that the television of today is utterly devoid of movie trailers that promote 'ultra compelling' new movies? While this is not a new phenomena, the sparse quantity of these indicates how competitive tv has become overall, and the 'steep ... 19th March 2010 Modern War Movies - A Double Edged Sword? The state of the world today is nothing short of tense and making any light of current wars our countries are involved with, is seemingly walking a fine line. War movies have been around for nearly a century, yet, when each of them are made, they are... 05th January 2010 Movies Running 75-90 Minutes - Not Enough Value? Have you ever left a movie or turned one off via your entertainment system wondering 'is that it'? Seemingly, movies have become more abbreviated in recent years and less substantive! This trend, that is still growing, has dawned a new era of sort... 05th January 2010 Movies out Tv In? Not so many years ago, there was television that was either game show based or your run of the mill drama and comedy based shows. Today, reality is and has been dominating the airwaves for better or worst! So how does this affect peoples desire to... 24th December 2009 Are Movies Today Worst Than Twenty Years Ago? Have you formed any opinions on the quality of todays movies as compared to that of many years ago. Now, myself, I am only 37 years old but in my most humble of opinions, I would venture to say that the quality of todays movies is truly lacking as c... 24th December 2009 Are Pshychological Thriller Movies Gone? There is nothing more exciting than wrapping your mind around a hard hitting psychological thriller where each scene only seems to get better! Movies like sixth sense and seven seemingly don't come around as much as they used to and when they do, t... 23rd December 2009 Haunting Evidence - Another Excellent Show Nixed? There are few television shows in the last 30 years that have crossed so many vital lines from a reality perspective than haunting evidence. This show had truly the makings of a long running tv program with elements rarely ever seen anywhere else. ... 23rd December 2009 Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, or Mel Gibson? Without much doubt, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Mel Gibson have changed the landscape of cinema for the better in recent decades. However, as we head into our second decade of the 21st century, who has the staying power and ability to continue his t... 22nd December 2009 Most Underrated Movies Ever! There certainly are high and low degrees of overblown hype and under promoted gem type films that stick in your mind like a hot brand. There is something dynamically special about these movies that makes them even that much more unique in that they... 22nd December 2009 Technology and Movies, Too Much? While there is very little doubters indicating technology in movies is a cancerous plague of sorts. However, with this added and very significant plug-in, has this technological assistant gone too far? Asset yes, but as with any good recipe that t... 21st December 2009 Movie Stars Who Transform the Cinematic Landscape Movie stars are a vital component to our society as a whole and figure into many a conversation around water coolers, dinner tables, and the proverbial mobile phone. While, vivid and emotional movies do not have to be accompanied by major movie ac... 21st December 2009 Cutting Out Movies Out? Sure, there are plenty of reasons in life that we have to merely get out of the house and enjoy the world right? However, as it specifically pertains to movies out, is it simply becoming too much of a hassle to go to a movie theater as opposed to wat... 21st December 2009 Movie Trailers, Where Have They Gone? Trailers for movies are such a dynamic promotional tool but have they gone to the wayside like extinct animals of the wild? There is certainly a lack of current exposure to new movies via a new movie trailer today as the demand for airtime has incr... 21st December 2009 Are Movie Theaters Intimidating? Have you ever contemplated that movie theaters in general tend to intimidate and have more negatives as opposed to positives attached to them? Well, you are not alone in this theory as many people just like you find these movie viewing environments t... 21st December 2009 Are Actors Paid Too Much For Movies? Movies have came along way as an industry much like any other random business in life. They have gone from the days of the crank camera to the massive productions assisted by 'more than it's share' of computer generated imagery. We know today that... 14th December 2009 You Tube Movies - Part of the Future or Not? From a seedling concept, to a massively abundant amount of videos! This is how our internet has evolved over the past years and truly where it's headed. Today, we can watch you tube movies that are not pirated and fully legitimate right from our c... 14th December 2009