Matt Robinson's Articles en-us Not Filing vs. Not Paying: Which Carries a More Serious Tax Penalty? If possible, you never want to pay IRS penalties and interest. Doing so will put you in a bad position. Not only do you owe the original amount, but when you add penalties and interest on top of that you are going to find yourself in a bad spot. There ar... 20th September 2011 Types of IRS Levies the IRS Uses to Collect Unpaid Taxes Are you aware of the different types of IRS tax levies? A levy is a tool that the IRS uses to collect unpaid taxes. This is not something that you have to worry about – unless you owe money and are ignoring notices from the IRS. It is important to becom... 20th September 2011 What is IRS Debt Settlement and How it Works Understanding tax debt settlement is essential if you owe money to the IRS. With a tax settlement, you are able to pay settle your liability for less than what you owe. The IRS offers several methods for taxpayers who are interested in settling their bala... 29th December 2010 Unpaid Tax Penalties The deadline for most people to file their tax return and pay any money that is due is April 15. If you decide to let this day come and go without paying, you are going to accumulate penalties on your account. Unpaid tax penalties are more common than mos... 23rd November 2010 Types of Problems Tax Debt Relief Can Solve If you are interested in tax debt relief you are in trouble with the IRS in one way, shape, or form. Does this mean you are going to jail? Of course not. What it does mean is that you owe the IRS money, and you need to find a resolution. Why wait so long ... 02nd November 2009 Understanding IRS Bank Account Garnishment Is money in your bank account safe from the IRS? If you think so you would be wrong. No, they are not going to take your money just to do so, but if you owe back taxes this is something that you may face in the future. This is known as bank account garnis... 06th October 2009 Understanding IRS Wage Garnishment What does it mean to have your wages garnished? Even if you don't know the exact meaning of this, one thing is for sure: you probably realize that it is a bad thing. Simply put, wage garnishment is the result of a court order in which money is deducted fr... 06th October 2009 Find Tax Debt Relief with a Payment Plan Finding tax debt relief is not always easy. But if you know about the options you can find the best one. You may not want to seek out relief, but if you owe money to the IRS you don't really have a choice. The last thing you want to do is avoid paying the... 21st August 2009 Do you need Tax Debt Help? What you should Know How will I never know if I need tax debt help? Some people worry they will need assistance, but will not realize it. This is not something that usually happens. If you are having trouble with your taxes you will know it. At that point you have to start se... 21st August 2009