Brian Howard's Articles en-us Police and Policing Half a Century Ago Police and Policing Half a Century Ago. How is it different? To begin with, in the city where I worked, only the main roads had electric street lighting, the side street being illuminated by Gas lamps that provided very little visual assistance to t... 21st August 2009 How To Beat The Recession Easily So The worst Recession in living memory is with us - So What! The truth is it is not the worst one in living memory, I remember The Big Slump of the 1930s when most of the working classes were not working even though we had everything to create work. I wa... 21st August 2009 Maths for The Wayward Child Maths For The Wayward Child. Okay, so I left school at the age of 14 years with only three `O Levels`: one for smoking, one for swearing and I daren't tell you what the third was for except to say that all the girls in our school loved me. So ... I'... 21st August 2009