gurgsumit's Articles en-us Facilities To Look Out For Alzheimer's Care Assisted living is now a common phenomenon which can be found in many places across the United States of America. Alzheimer's care can be said as one of those which provide the people with assisted living facilities. First before the process of approachin... 12th August 2010 Assisted Living Facilities Cheaper Than Nursing Homes Having to do your everyday tasks on your own can get very challenging when you aren't as energetic as you used to be. A lot of factors contribute to a fall in your energy level, such as, injuries, chronic illnesses, excessive stress and its related factor... 28th August 2009 Alzheimer’s Is The Process Of Rusting Of A Perfectly Functional Brain What do you see when you look at your reflection in the mirror? The way your skin looks? Having a good hair day? Does your make-up need a touch-up? Is it time for another facial? Just this, or is there something else you've noticed? Or have you just been ... 28th August 2009 Assisted Living- Twenty Four Hours Care Whenever parents or other older members of the family become too old or cannot perform their daily routine on their own, or are physically handicapped, some sort of help is to be provided to them to overcome this problem. In the first instance some family... 21st August 2009 Assited Living in Senior Care Homes Aging brings with it a lot of health related problems. Our energy level goes down and our medical bills shoot up. We lose control over even the littlest things in life. Every question then, begins with a ‘what if?' For every such question, there is only... 15th August 2009 Dementia Care Available In Kansas City The mind is our sole witness to our every living moment. Until the time we draw our last breath, we require its services. We require its attentiveness, although we take it for granted. The mind comprehends, compares, analyses, applies and reviews. When we... 14th August 2009