Yodle's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Creating an Emergency Preparedness Plan One of the best ways to ensure you, your family, or your coworkers will survive an emergency is to plan ahead. A set plan that directs actions and behavior during an unexpected event can ease anxiety and create safer conditions than guessing at what to do... http://www.articleheaven.net/creating-an-emergency-preparedness-plan-1334845.html 08th January 2010 What to Do When Your Home Requires Unexpected Clean Up Emergencies come into our lives with little warning. While no one expects the worst, it never hurts to prepare for the possibility of unexpected circumstances. A variety of issues can place you and your family in a position where you may require assista... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-to-do-when-your-home-requires-unexpected-clean-up-1334806.html 08th January 2010 Dealing With Natural Disasters Home ownership is the dream of many people. Owning your own property and having a home where you can relax, unwind, and leave the stress of the world behind is a benefit that is worth the risks and responsibility associated with it. Many homeowners jump i... http://www.articleheaven.net/dealing-with-natural-disasters-1334801.html 08th January 2010 Dealing With Hail Damage Hail is a storm condition that may not happen frequently. But when it does, causes a great deal of damage. It is a solid form of precipitation that is created from frozen water. Hail storms happen fast, often without warning, and usually lasts 3 to 15... http://www.articleheaven.net/dealing-with-hail-damage-1334798.html 08th January 2010 Having Your Ducts Cleaned In homes heated by forced air, the duct system is an important component of the structure and should be kept clean and free of debris. Duct cleaning is sometimes viewed as a controversial issue. Most agree that even if the results are minimal, it may stil... http://www.articleheaven.net/having-your-ducts-cleaned-1334791.html 08th January 2010 Cleaning Up After Smoke Damage Fire is one of the greatest fears of homeowners. The damage left in the wake of a fire can leave an emotional scar long after the home is cleaned and the property restored. Once a fire emergency has passed, call on a reputable restoration company to assis... http://www.articleheaven.net/cleaning-up-after-smoke-damage-1334787.html 08th January 2010 Taking Preventative Measures At Home It does not take homeowners long to realize they need to take care of numerous things in order to prevent disastrous occurrences in their homes. While there is only so much preparation for unexpected disasters, there are a number of actions you can take ... http://www.articleheaven.net/taking-preventative-measures-at-home-1334785.html 08th January 2010 Dealing With Toxic Cleanup Dealing with a crisis that has created a risk for exposure to a toxic situation is one of the most serious situations a homeowner may have to face. Not only could the exposure damage their home, it could hurt or sicken members of their family. The most ... http://www.articleheaven.net/dealing-with-toxic-cleanup-1334780.html 08th January 2010 Why You Need Professional Cleaning After a Crisis No matter how you prepare, no one expects an emergency or crisis to affect their lives. However, circumstances occur and you may find your home in a state of chaos and disrepair due to any number of events. Weather is often the cause of flooding and fire,... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-you-need-professional-cleaning-after-a-crisis-1334775.html 08th January 2010 Dealing With Water Damage in Your Home or Business Few things are worse than realizing your home or place of business has experienced water damage. Flooding leaves your belongings damaged, and it can lead to additional issues that may harm the health and well-being of your family or employees. Finding a c... http://www.articleheaven.net/dealing-with-water-damage-in-your-home-or-business-1334769.html 08th January 2010 Does My Home Have a Mold Problem? Mold is a problem that occurs in many homes and buildings, and if treated properly and professionally, is relatively easy to solve. The important thing to remember about mold is its ability to spread rapidly. The sooner you deal with it, or circumstances ... http://www.articleheaven.net/does-my-home-have-a-mold-problem-1334767.html 08th January 2010 Dealing With Asbestos Asbestos is a problem in homes that a lot of people have heard about, but few understand. It is a mineral fiber capable of standing up to intense temperatures, added to a variety of products before people realized it was dangerous. It is now considered to... http://www.articleheaven.net/dealing-with-asbestos-1334762.html 08th January 2010 What to Do If An Emergency Strikes Those who have experienced disaster in their homes and places of business understand that the first few minutes of response are critical. If the appropriate measures are taken in the immediate moments following an emergency, it can ensure the safety and w... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-to-do-if-an-emergency-strikes-1334757.html 08th January 2010 What Should be Your Immediate Response to a Flood? Flooding in the home is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a homeowner. Following a flood, your belongings will be dirty, damaged, and soaked with contaminated water. It can be tough facing the clean up and dealing with the aftermath. ... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-should-be-your-immediate-response-to-a-flood-1334751.html 08th January 2010 Could Your Home Be Killing You? In a perfect world, your home would always be a safe place you could go to escape the perils of the outside world. The toxins, allergens, and irritants would be left outside, and you would always be able to relax and breathe easy. However, things in your ... http://www.articleheaven.net/could-your-home-be-killing-you-1334748.html 08th January 2010 How The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification Protects You In a crisis, you may not have time to check references and ask for referrals for your chosen disaster clean-up team. An easy way to ensure you will be working with a reputable company is to choose one that has been approved by The Institute of Inspectio... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-the-institute-of-inspection-cleaning-and-restoration-certification-protects-you-1334745.html 08th January 2010 The Benefits of Carpet Cleaning If you live in a home with carpeting or area rugs, it is a good idea to have them cleaned biannually. However, occasions may arise that require immediate, emergency cleaning of your carpet. You can call professionals that use the most up-to-date, sophisti... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-benefits-of-carpet-cleaning-1334736.html 08th January 2010 Saving Your Books After a Flood The clean up after a disaster can be overwhelming. Professionals will be needed for handling a great deal of the clean up. Their technology will ensure a safe, effective cleaning job. However, it can be difficult to stand by and let the professionals hand... http://www.articleheaven.net/saving-your-books-after-a-flood-1334732.html 08th January 2010 The Technology of Professional Cleaning Services Those in need of the services of a professional cleaner will want to choose a company that offers the latest in state of the art technology. It should be one that uses high-tech mounted and portable water extraction units to ensure the quickest and most t... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-technology-of-professional-cleaning-services-1334726.html 08th January 2010 Responding to Region-Specific Natural Disasters Some emergencies are universal. Storms can create flooding and lightning damage in most areas of the country. Human error can cause fire and other crises. In other cases, there are natural disasters that are likely to be faced only in certain parts of the... http://www.articleheaven.net/responding-to-regionspecific-natural-disasters-1334711.html 08th January 2010 Improved Zoom2 for Whiter Teeth Zoom2 is a proprietary tooth whitening product, and like many products available on the market, it has been effective. It is a patented process whereby whitening is done in the dental office. It takes one hour 45 minutes to accomplish, and is one of the f... http://www.articleheaven.net/improved-zoom2-for-whiter-teeth-1312476.html 23rd December 2009 Siding and the Environment In today's increasingly environmentally-friendly climate, the construction industry has begun to get somewhat of a bad reputation for utilizing materials that are known to be harmful to the planet. The siding industry is no exception. With vinyl being one... http://www.articleheaven.net/siding-and-the-environment-1304773.html 18th December 2009