Kathe Marion's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com SMS way is the new way of promoting your products With the advent of SMS the world of marketing has experienced a drastic change in the field of advertisements. Instead of telephonic conversation and email marketing businessmen are more inclined to promote their products and inform the customers about th... http://www.articleheaven.net/sms-way-is-the-new-way-of-promoting-your-products-1168891.html 13th October 2009 Mobile marketing is useful for any kind of business With the advent of SMS the world of marketing has experienced a drastic change in the field of advertisements. Instead of telephonic conversation and email marketing businessmen are more inclined to promote their products and inform the customers about th... http://www.articleheaven.net/mobile-marketing-is-useful-for-any-kind-of-business-1056873.html 30th August 2009 The growing demand of the bulk SMS marketing strategy These days the competition in the field of any type of business has increased to such an extent that if you do not stay connected to your customers very often then it is almost impossible to rise in your business. Connectivity is the most the most importa... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-growing-demand-of-the-bulk-sms-marketing-strategy-1056870.html 30th August 2009 Mobile marketing through SMS and Bluetooth When you visit a customer stand point you can notice that you are requested to turn your Bluetooth devices on so that the company and your mobile can exchange the data with each other. Transmitter will ask your permission before doing the process. If you ... http://www.articleheaven.net/mobile-marketing-through-sms-and-bluetooth-1056868.html 30th August 2009 Bulk sms service is the best way to convey your message to your customers The bulk sms service is one of the hottest choice of most of the leading companies. Because of the reason that sms is the spam free communication system therefore the sms marketing strategy is adopted by most of the companies. However, the sms marketing t... http://www.articleheaven.net/bulk-sms-service-is-the-best-way-to-convey-your-message-to-your-customers-1056866.html 30th August 2009 Marketing through the latest technology of SMS With the time passing technology is becoming more public than before. Some days ago it was unimaginable that the accessibility of mobile phone will be so much that rarely any one is without a handset. Irrespective of economical status everyone according t... http://www.articleheaven.net/marketing-through-the-latest-technology-of-sms-1030890.html 11th August 2009 Sms and Bluetooth methods of mobile marketing In the present day context there is a mobile or a cell phone in each and every pocket. Therefore it is easy presumable that the best way to communicate with any one is his mobile. In this way you can get any one at any time. Therefore if you need pass any... http://www.articleheaven.net/sms-and-bluetooth-methods-of-mobile-marketing-1030887.html 11th August 2009 SMS marketing the better way of communication Mobile marketing has become one of the hottest choice for most of the leading companies. Even the newer business concerns are showing a lot of interest in this latest technology of marketing strategy. This not only helps in making a large scale but also i... http://www.articleheaven.net/sms-marketing-the-better-way-of-communication-1030884.html 11th August 2009 Mobile marketing the hottest choice of this era These days mobile marketing is the most favorite for most of the companies. With the help of mobile marketing the advertisement of the company can be done not only in the most cheapest way but also it the most effective way to communicate with the maximum... http://www.articleheaven.net/mobile-marketing-the-hottest-choice-of-this-era-1030880.html 11th August 2009 SMS marketing strategy the best communication tactic In the modern age people doesn't have much time to wait for a long time to listen or to read the various offers and special offers from different business organizations. They don't have even much time to talk if it doesn't seem to them to be much importan... http://www.articleheaven.net/sms-marketing-strategy-the-best-communication-tactic-1030874.html 11th August 2009