Dennis Lambert's Articles en-us The Best Acne Treatments For Girls Girls go through many physical and psychological changes during puberty. These changes include body composition, fat distribution, menstruation, growth spurts, body and facial hair growth, body odor and skin changes. The body physically changes as the fat... 25th January 2010 The Three Different Steps To A Fair Skin Complexion There are many types of acne, but the most common form occurs during the teenage years when young adults experience a dramatic increase in hormone levels. These hormones signal the skin glands to produce more oil. When this oil mixes with dead cells, it c... 25th January 2010 Ways To Have An Acne Free Face Acne, commonly called pimples, is an inflammatory disease of the skin. It is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous. The most common form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris", which means "common acne". The hair folicles are blocked by the combination of o... 30th December 2009 The Many Different Kinds Of Facial Flaws When you talk about acne we're talking about clogged skin pores, or deep lumps on our face, chest, back, neck, shoulders and upper arms. These may be called whiteheads, blackheads, cysts or nodules. If you are a teenager you're probably going to get acne... 18th December 2009 Skin Rejuvenation Using Rejuvenation Techniques If you are searching for solutions for your acne scars for a long time, dermabrasion is the perfect answer for removing your acne scars. Dermabrasion is an ablative surgery procedure, which physically abrades the epidermis and dermis of your skin in a con... 18th December 2009 Ways To Relieve Acne Problems Acne is a problem that affects not just teenagers but adults also. If you are in need of relief, there are a multitude of products, remedies, potions, etc. on the market help you. The first trip should be to your local boxmart (Wal-Mart, Target, etc) or... 18th December 2009 Many Different Kinds Of Acne Treatment Products When talking about skin problems, nine times out of ten you will discover that the topic is acne. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, mostly in teens but also with adults, acne can prove to be a very serious problem. One of the products tha... 18th December 2009 Side Effects For Acne Medications Patients with mild or occasional acne may be able to treat themselves without the use of prescription medication. Such remedies may include an alteration in diet and exercise habits, regular cleansing to remove residue and buildup on the skin, choosing t... 18th December 2009 The Many Different Kinds Of Acne Help Acne treatment and prevention is a long-term process which means you will need to make certain things part of your normal daily routine for maximum results. There are many products available for acne treatment and there is no reason not to research and... 18th December 2009