markYates's Articles en-us New Dragons' Den TV 2010: Pitching Secrets For The Best Dragons Den Investors Investment We are in the throes of one of the worst economic downturns in history & to add more fuel to the fire, a UK general election looms. Confidence in business growth is at an all time low as business owner's fight to survive. Business finance & secure cash... 14th May 2010 Identity Fraud Theft 5 Prevention Secrets From A Security Expert Identity fraud has already cost the UK economy £1.7 billion and every security expert I know is certain this figure is going to rise significantly. Identity fraud theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the UK. Internet business scams and Nigeri... 07th December 2009 Film Investor & Film Investors Secret Film Scripts For Sale America and many of our European partner states are now officially out of the recession, while good old Great Britain languishes in the longest ever recorded recession on record. Many UK businesses are in a state of panic and chaos. In the grand scheme... 25th November 2009 Counter Terrorism Expert Outlines New Terrorist Targets By The Security Expert Business owners and directors should take careful notice of recent terrorist incidents in Afghanistan as the ripple effect will continue to spread across the world. Terrorism and counterterrorism tactics come under the global spotlight this week after ... 19th November 2009