Mario Bentley's Articles en-us The Many Different Kinds Of Airbrushed Makeup How to Apply 1. Place a few drops of foundation into the designated cup, along with a few drops of water. (Each brand will have its own instructions telling you specifically how many drops of each to use.) 2. Hold the wand about 6 to 10 inches from ... 08th January 2010 Cosmetic Dentists For Beauty And Skin Deep Beauty might be only skin-deep. However, it is given a lot of value in certain fields such as modeling, and acting. Since everyone is not born with the same level of perfection, enhancing the best features is one way to look stunning. One such feature in ... 18th December 2009 Many Different Kinds Of Celebrity Hairstyles Ever turn on the television and become instantly infatuated with the latest celebrity hair style sported by Jennifer Aniston or other highly-emulated celebrities? If so, you are not alone. In fact, most fashion trends actually begin after a celebrity has ... 18th December 2009 Is Botox Really Safe There is an old story about a town of people who were running for their lives from an approaching asteroid. They ran to the edge of town and were confronted with a cliff and a long drop. Seeing the asteroid behind them, they all jumped off the cliff. O... 18th December 2009 The Different Kinds Of Anti Aging Skin Products For those consumers looking to invest in anti aging skin products, it is important to bear in mind that no two anti aging skin products are alike. With this fact in mind, it then becomes possible to become a prudent shopper when it comes time to purchase... 18th December 2009 Cosmetic Surgery Overview And What To Do Cosmetic surgery this and cosmetic surgery that. To truly understand cosmetic surgery, one needs to get a grasp of the various cosmetic surgery procedures available. An Overview of Cosmetic Procedures Cosmetic surgery is one of the most talked abou... 18th December 2009 Laser Hair Removal And Everything About It Laser hair removal is, technically speaking, epilation by laser or with the use of a special light. Besides the body, certain types of laser hair removal may safely be used to reduce facial hair as well. The laser (or light) of a particular wavelength is ... 18th December 2009 The Perfect Make-up Foundation And How To Apply It Foundation creates a blank canvas on the face to which colors is added: eye shadow, blush & lipstick. It is also the setting agent. It is also the setting agent for these products acting as a barrier between the colour & the skin's own natural oil... 10th December 2009 Getting Long Hair Extensions With Ease Long, silky, healthy hair can radiate beauty, fitness and youth. A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different. Hair extensions Hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular way of inst... 10th December 2009 Ways That Anti Aging Skin Products Can Make You Look Younger If you are like a lot of women over 30, you are possibly starting to worry about the dreaded w-word - wrinkles. With the abundance of anti aging skin care products on the market, you have to ask yourself if there is any truth to what these products say th... 10th December 2009 Finding The Right Doctor For Cosmetic Surgery More and more people are opting to have cosmetic surgery. Choosing the right surgeon and clinic can be difficult unless choice is informed by balanced advice. The decision to undergo any type of cosmetic surgery is intensely personal. Although cosmetic su... 23rd November 2009 Having Cosmetic Procedures In Brazil Many people think of body sculpture as an American interest. In truth, it is world wide as seen when discussing cosmetic procedures in Brazil. Cosmetic Procedures in Brazil Cosmetic surgery is a phenomenon that is sweeping the world. If you are unh... 23rd November 2009