jasmine's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Know about Photopuzzle The last few years puzzles from photos have gained huge popularity since they are highly fashionable and can be of great use to almost everyone. These photographs can be used as both gifts and souvenirs to be gifted to the family and friends. The puzzle w... http://www.articleheaven.net/know-about-photopuzzle-2406751.html 18th January 2012 Original Puzzles As Gifts If you want to surprise someone close with a unique present it would be best to put some amount of creativity in to your thought process, for that would give you some of the most fabulous ideas. Planning a gift, which looks great and suits the needs of th... http://www.articleheaven.net/original-puzzles-as-gifts-2392376.html 22nd November 2011 Explore the new hype of puzzles with photo and texts of your choice. Playing puzzles was once the hype of childhood. Probably everyone tasted it at some point of time. But for most it was the childhood fad. Puzzles are a game of its own genre that are unmatched with any other kind of game. Playing puzzles is believed to bo... http://www.articleheaven.net/explore-the-new-hype-of-puzzles-with-photo-and-texts-of-your-choice-2388892.html 15th November 2011 Know about different types of Handset With the advent of technology life has become highly easy and fast. Today we have different devices which have enabled life to run smoothly. One of these hi- tech devices are the handsets. Even in the last decade handsets were not as popular as they are t... http://www.articleheaven.net/know-about-different-types-of-handset-2253981.html 29th May 2011 Plantronics light and latest gadgets to set the trend. Plantronics is a well-known company specialized in having mobile and phone accessories. With plantronics you can flood with thousands of latest collection of mobile gadgets and other up to date accessories. Palntronics specializes portable headset and han... http://www.articleheaven.net/plantronics-light-and-latest-gadgets-to-set-the-trend-2241478.html 22nd May 2011 Be prepare to get the Hollywood record label If you are having any kind of interview to get any such career in Hollywood, then that must a great turn of your career and you have to be much focused and must concentrate on the preparation of such a huge opportunity. Nobody gets the chance of getting p... http://www.articleheaven.net/be-prepare-to-get-the-hollywood-record-label-1527497.html 30th April 2010 Join a Film school Hollywood to flourish If you want to flourish professionally in the field of entertainment industry then the very first thing that you need to know about your potentialities. You need to judge in which field you have your main interest. That can be in the music field or in the... http://www.articleheaven.net/join-a-film-school-hollywood-to-flourish-1517670.html 23rd April 2010 Some tips to get Video game jobs With the technological advancement many people have the advantage to spend their lives within the four walls of the room by sitting on the computer. People love to spend time by playing video games. This is an outstanding way to spend time through playing... http://www.articleheaven.net/some-tips-to-get-video-game-jobs-1494165.html 09th April 2010 The truth behind music industry jobs For any music lover romanticism takes an immense importance in their life. The dream of performing in the smoky atmosphere of a club is like a heavenly experience. If it is a case of a music performer then the romanticism comes with a little more emphasis... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-truth-behind-music-industry-jobs-1483256.html 31st March 2010 A careA career through Music internshipser through Music internships A career in the music industry is very fascinating by nature and it provides a lot of scope to the person who gets involved in it. Due to its varied nature and scope, there are many people who wish to make a career in this ever changing world of music. It... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-carea-career-through-music-internshipser-through-music-internships-1421358.html 01st March 2010 Entertainment careers in U.S The world of entertainment is loaded with glittering achievements. It is a world of fantasy in which people always wish to move ahead of others by dint of their personal capabilities. If you want to make a career in the world of entertainment, then you mu... http://www.articleheaven.net/entertainment-careers-in-us-1351097.html 15th January 2010 India: An interesting subject for Hollywood movies We Indians are always fascinated with things having ‘foreign' essence. Foreign clothes, foreign cosmetics, food, tourist spots, Hollywood films and all other things always seem much better to us than what our country offers us. But the funny thing is fo... http://www.articleheaven.net/india-an-interesting-subject-for-hollywood-movies-1181304.html 16th October 2009 Nobel in Chemistry: Another feather in India’s cap Indians will always remember 2009 as the year of awards and prizes. It is undoubtedly among the best years for every Indian citizens as the country has achieved success. After A R Rehman and Resul Pookutty success at the Oscars, the national football team... http://www.articleheaven.net/nobel-in-chemistry-another-feather-in-indias-cap-1174275.html 15th October 2009 Establish a succesfull Entertainment careers with the help of New media market in USA...! Media is among the most thriving industries in the United States of America, as far as employment is concerned. The continuous growth of the industry over the years has created employment opportunities for billions of young and enthusiastic people. In the... http://www.articleheaven.net/establish-a-succesfull-entertainment-careers-with-the-help-of-new-media-market-in-usa-1094736.html 17th September 2009 Definition of film jobs in recent time....! Since its creation, film industry has been a center of attraction to billions of people. It has fascinated and inspired them to work as professionals. Screen presence and acting of superstars in films, their glamour, their fame and luxury has always creat... http://www.articleheaven.net/definition-of-film-jobs-in-recent-time-1085706.html 16th September 2009 Dreams to build up an entertainment career in hollywood ! Everyone in this world loves entertainment. There are different forms of entertainment and the choice varies from person to person, but ultimately it is enjoyment that makes one feel good. Some people find music as most entertaining, while some enjoy watc... http://www.articleheaven.net/dreams-to-build-up-an-entertainment-career-in-hollywood--1073350.html 08th September 2009 Contribution of music schools in improving the standard of Hollywood music! For several decades, Hollywood has been the biggest industry for all kinds of music. Innumerable talented singers, musicians, pop stars and rock bands have contributed largely to the industry. Names like Michael Jackson, Bryan Adams, Beatles, Backstreet B... http://www.articleheaven.net/contribution-of-music-schools-in-improving--the-standard-of-hollywood-music-1068099.html 06th September 2009 Turning down Bond Girl’s role not to affect Megan’s career..! Entire Hollywood Entertainment is now excited with one thing, Megan Fox's ‘sensational' decision to turn down Bond Girl's role against Daniel Craig. Well, certainly a bold decision but perhaps not so sensational as the biggest movie industry of the worl... http://www.articleheaven.net/turning-down-bond-girls-role-not-to-affect-megans-career-1059571.html 01st September 2009 Hollywood movie star Arnold’s invitation to SRK a bid to control damage..! Guess what! King Khan of Bollywood has now got an invitation from the Terminator of Hollywood Entertainment. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former Mr Universe, the greatest action hero of Hollywood Entertainment of all times and currently the mayor of the sta... http://www.articleheaven.net/hollywood-movie-star-arnolds-invitation-to-srk-a-bid-to-control-damage-1055451.html 29th August 2009 Record label internship in hollywood music industry ! The term ‘record label' refers to logo or brand or trademark of a particular product or company. Derived from the label of the manufacturers of Murphy records, the term ‘record label', is associated to the music industry. The logo or symbol of a music... http://www.articleheaven.net/record-label-internship-in-hollywood-music-industry--1040549.html 18th August 2009 Build your successful Entertainment careers with hollywoodentertainmentjobs (dot) com Hollywood, the biggest entertainment industry in the world has always attracted billions of people to establish their professional careers. There are countless numbers of people in the world who dream to see themselves as successful professionals in the b... http://www.articleheaven.net/build-your-successful-entertainment-careers-with-hollywoodentertainmentjobs-dot-com-1012094.html 01st August 2009 MJ’s absence to effect Hollywood Music industry It's been more than a month that the biggest pop icon of the world has passed away but fans across the globe are still mourning. Michael Jackson was not only a pop singer who drove the world crazy with his incredible rhythm, but he was the one who changed... http://www.articleheaven.net/mjs-absence-to-effect-hollywood-music-industry-1007781.html 31st July 2009 Largest job board in the entertainment market of hollywood Situated in Los Angeles, Hollywood is the largest entertainment industry in the world. It is a huge working platform and a place where billions of people are making their fortune every day. Apart from being the biggest creative world, Hollywoo... http://www.articleheaven.net/largest-job-board-in-the-entertainment-market-of-hollywood-972885.html 09th July 2009