afterglow's Articles en-us What You Should Know About Mineral Makeup According to research, the mineral makeup has increased its sales these past few years. This is probably of no surprise to you already, if you are one of those women who have switched from an ordinary makeup to a mineral makeup. On the other hand, you w... 26th February 2010 Comparing Mineral Makeup with Traditional Makeup Mineral cosmetics are the latest buzz in Hollywood nowadays. Angelina Jolie, Lindsay Price and Gwyneth Paltrow are just some of the many Hollywood goddesses who have switched to using mineral cosmetics. As with the name, this makeup is made out of natur... 26th February 2010 How to Make Eyes Seem Larger Just about everyone has something about their appearance that they don't like. Most women feel self conscious about their eyes and want to make them look larger, darker, brighter, wider or narrower, etc. Not having much time in the morning to get ready is... 26th February 2010 Chemical Agents in Cosmetics Irritate Sensitive Skin For me and millions like me, sensitive skin is a lifetime problem that is difficult to live with. I can't use many cosmetics because my skin breaks out in huge swaths of acne. This is an embarrassment, as well as being unsightly and painful. I have to wea... 26th February 2010 Organic Cosmetics: Afterglow and Other Organic Cosmetics Companies The health and beauty industry is constantly growing each year with lines of cosmetics and body products being sold in today's world market. This is because women from all over the world use cosmetics in order to bring out the beauty and color of their a... 11th January 2010 Switching To Organic Makeup Has Never Been Easier When people tend to think of mineral makeup, their first response is normally mineral foundation. Nowadays there is a great variety in mineral makeup. More individuals are switching to natural cosmetics so they do not put extra dyes, fragrances, and pre... 23rd September 2009 A Change for the Better: Mineral Cosmetics Are you thinking about giving Mineral Makeup chance? If you are, this is a good idea. Introducing yourself and your loved ones to the benefits of Organic Cosmetics is a step in the right direction. Natural cosmetics or organic makeup is a new option th... 23rd September 2009 SENSITIVE SKIN A specific concern of many women between the ages of 25 to 35 is diffuse redness of the skin. Many factors can contribute to this condition. Statistics have shown that a high percentage of adult women suffer from a variety of sensitive skin conditions... 22nd June 2009