fshelend's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com How Do Farmers Observe the Health of their Soil and What Tools do they Use? PART A Farmers know that soil health is critical to their success. They thus learn to observe nature keenly and to use their observations for refining their farm management practices. Written records are important tools and the farmer should use them to keep tra... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-do-farmers-observe-the-health-of-their-soil-and-what-tools-do-they-use-part-a-1041639.html 19th August 2009 Why Buffer Weedicides and How Do You Do It? Weeds are considered significant threats to natural ecosystems. To the farmer, weeds are also a major threat to farm economics. Weeds interfere with crop growth, choke pastures and may even harm farm animals. Being plants themselves, they compete with cro... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-buffer-weedicides-and-how-do-you-do-it-1036586.html 16th August 2009 Organic Yields Are Better Than Conventional, Including GM Crops There are many claims being bruited about that organic farming yields can never produce enough to meet the food demands of the growing global population. This is a myth. At the turn of the century, a New Scientist editorial declared that organic farmin... http://www.articleheaven.net/organic-yields-are-better-than-conventional-including-gm-crops-1034302.html 13th August 2009 Why Higher Brix Readings in Forage Makes Animal Raising More Profitable? The Brix reading on a plant is an indication of its nutrient content. Whilst the reading is often considered as the sugar content in that part of the plant being tested, it actually refers to the total amount of soluble solids, that is, sugars along with ... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-higher-brix-readings-in-forage-makes-animal-raising-more-profitable-1029935.html 11th August 2009 The Detrimental Effects of Chemicals on Soil Fungi Fungi and bacteria in the soil are the primary recyclers of nutrients in the soil. Whilst bacteria are much more numerous, fungi provide greater biomass because they are relatively bigger. Fungi may be responsible for greater amounts of nutrient retention... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-detrimental-effects-of-chemicals-on-soil-fungi-1020408.html 07th August 2009 The Importance of Carbon in the Soil and How it Gets Stored Soil organic carbon, which makes up about 60% of the soil organic matter on average, has beneficial effects on many physical, chemical and biological functions of soil quality. It helps support the productivity and diversity of all living organisms in the... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-importance-of-carbon-in-the-soil-and-how-it-gets-stored-1018240.html 04th August 2009 If You Are Using Chemical Fertilizers, How do these Affect Brix Meters results? People today are more conscious about the nutrition content of the foods they eat. Farmers who are able to provide highly nutritious food will receive premium prices and have many repeat customers. Farmers can have food labs test for the nutrition cont... http://www.articleheaven.net/if-you-are-using-chemical-fertilizers-how-do-these-affect-brix-meters-results-1015902.html 03rd August 2009 How Do Plants Get Nutrients in the Soil in a Conventional Farming System? Plants need an adequate supply of nutrients — particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium — to grow well. Ideally, these nutrients should be available in the proper quantity and at the time the plant can use them. This ideal timing, if complied w... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-do-plants-get-nutrients-in-the-soil-in-a-conventional-farming-system-1009285.html 31st July 2009 How Do Plants Get Nutrients in the Soil in a Biological Farming System? Plants take up nutrient elements from the soil through their roots. Plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in large amounts; very often, these elements are not available in adequate quantities in the soil. Other essential nutrients such as boron, ... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-do-plants-get-nutrients-in-the-soil-in-a-biological-farming-system-1007430.html 31st July 2009 “Rudolf Steiner” in Relation to Biodynamics Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, architect, esotericist, educator and social thinker born in the early 1861 and died in the early 1925. Steiner achieved initial acknowledgment as a cultural philosopher and literary reviewer. After the First Wor... http://www.articleheaven.net/rudolf-steiner-in-relation-to-biodynamics-976001.html 10th July 2009 Harnessing Cosmic Energy for Profitable Farming. Biodynamic agriculture, or simply ‘biodynamics,' is a farming system based on deep ecological principles that arose as a reaction to the spread of specialised agriculture and inorganic fertilisers at the turn of the twentieth-century. In terms of method... http://www.articleheaven.net/harnessing-cosmic-energy-for-profitable-farming-963258.html 02nd July 2009 Why is the life in your soil so important? The entire food production system depends for its viability on healthy soil. Healthy soil produces the healthy crops that give nourishment to people. Organic farming is intimately related to the concept of soil health because its advocates have always bel... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-is-the-life-in-your-soil-so-important-961765.html 01st July 2009