Clivir Team's Articles en-us 5 Original Ideas To Excite Your Mom On Her Birthday Each mom is different and unique. There are lots of reasons why we need to give her a gift on her exceptional day. No present can match her abiding love and care for us. For this reason, it is defining to think of an exclusive gift that she will truly val... 24th June 2011 Preventing Kids' Injuries - Child Proofing & Home Safety Based on statistics, over four million children die each year because of home accidents. The most conventional types of are falling from very high spaces, poisoning, fires, suffocation, choking, drowning, accidental firearms going off, critical cuts, elec... 11th April 2011 Please Your Mom On Her Birthday With These Vibrant Gift Ideas Mothers are more important than any rubies and diamonds. She constantly brings good to her family all the days of her life. She gets up although it is still dim outside to cook food for her family and to do household chores. She takes good care of all the... 18th February 2011 How to Choose a Good Nursery Home For an Elderly Family Member If the task of choosing a nursing home for an elderly parent or family member has fallen on your shoulders, you might be overwhelmed. It is not easy to find something that will make everybody happy and also give you the peace of mind that the person will ... 23rd November 2009 Common Problems After a Divorce - How to Manage and Handle Them Depending on if there are problems are after divorce there are numerous ways to handle them. Many types of problems might arise such as emotional, financial and even legal problems with your ex and obedience of the children. If you or your children are... 21st October 2009 Guide on Introducing a New Love Interest to Children and Family After a Divorce After a divorce children and the family need time to recover and heal from the painful emotions. If a divorce has taken a long time to become final, the people around the divorced couple as well as the couple need to have a cooling off period. You migh... 21st October 2009