Beauty Collection's Articles en-us Skin Care Beauty Products for your Skin The thing about your skin is that it is 100% you- what may work to keep your best friend's skin flawless may not work for you. Furthermore, what may give your sister a beautiful all-year-round glow, may leave your skin blotchy and itchy. This is why, when... 16th September 2009 The Three Most Important Factors when Buying Face Lighteners Face lighteners are used by millions of people who are looking to lighten up the dark pigmentation on their face. These may include freckles, sun exposure spots, discolorations and hyper pigmentation. There are many reasons why these spots appear—some ... 14th September 2009 The Truth about Finding Grooming Products Online It's 100% possible to find excellent grooming products for men and women online. That's right- you actually do not have to make the trek into your local shop or wait for your Avon representative to get the latest skin cream, face masks and shaving cream t... 02nd September 2009 Which is the Right Cosmetic Case for You? A cosmetic case may not be the most important item on your ‘must have list' this season; however, for any woman who loves to travel and stay organized, a high quality cosmetic case is essential. Below we have outlined some of the most important factors... 31st August 2009 Exploring the Makeup Accessories that can Complete your Look Makeup accessories are those items that are used to ensure proper makeup application as well as making the process the pampering experience it's supposed to be. Inasmuch as makeup accessories serve important roles as has been indicated it does not mean th... 24th July 2009 A brief overview of shaving creams gels and their properties Shaving creams gels are products that are meant to make the shaving process as comfortable as possible. They ensure that the shave is close to the skin and that the beard area feels and looks smooth after the procedure has been completed. Shaving creams g... 09th July 2009 The Three Step Oil Blemish Solutions That Actually Work How many times have you turned on the television, flipped through a magazine or driven past a billboard that announces they have the secret to clear skin? Well, guess what, it's not a secret anymore! If you have problems with your skin, there is a three... 05th July 2009 How to Choose and How to Use an Eye Makeup Remover Eye makeup remover is a specially designed cleaner to get rid of the excess makeup around those delicate areas, especially around the eyes. Caked on makeup is a natural part of life, especially considering most makeup these days is now waterproof. However... 23rd June 2009